
Thanks for this, and I did write a longer reply, but considering some of the other responses, I’m gonna keep my family life to myself from now on. Just know that I appreciated your measured and thoughtful response.

I don’t know what your kid’s situation is, or what his transition plans are for when he turns 21,but whoever’s working with him might be able to help you break down moving his plate into a configuration that bothers him less into a step-by-step routine that you can walk through with him until he can eventually deal

Absolutely. I would much, much rather potentially rock the boat than not say anything and allow a child to continue to be abused. I think many times people are too swayed by the voices who cry about “accusations ruining people’s lives” to actually act. While I’m sure being investigated for something like this is

Yup, we do indeed have a punk scene and some substantial punk history. We also have plenty of real-life political issues and other shit, to fuel punk songs. Apparently, between Vancouver and Toronto, we had North America’s first notable all-female punk bands, too. 

I’ve listened for several years, too. He does a great job of storytelling and there is a vast array of material he covers. I’m thrilled to see this!

Majored in Hanson, sure, but with a minor in Kristen Stewart.

He looks like the hippie you’re not supposed to follow to a second location.

But you know who WERE US soldiers?

Woops I had the date off slightly so 2 years after I left highschool.

Yep. And this is why I will be making a point of NOT celebrating Canada’s 150th. Because this country is disgustingly racist and we need to face up to that shit before we have any right to celebrate.

I’m familiar with the McLean case. Help for that young man means consistent dosages of his medication, as, iirc, he was unmedicated at the time of his attack. This is not necessarily the same as what happened with the boy in tonight’s article. Since we don’t know what predicated the attack, McLean is apples to

Yeah... colonialism in Canada really took a giant shit on the indigenous people, here, and they’re still trying to get out from under it. The colonizers’ descendants aren’t helping, much. I can’t stand those Canadians who act like everything’s fine, that the “natives are demanding too much”, to stop spoiling them,

Unfortunately Canada’s indigenous regions are dramatically underserved compared to the rest of the country in terms of social workers, therapists, etc.

There are also a tragically high number of First Nations and Native-American children born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) which can really impact judgment and functioning. That could be a possible alternative explanation for this child’s behavior .

If the children are all First Nations, and it looks likely, the community may attempt a more traditional healing process, although the article does say that Social Services is already involved. Sadly, this often means that children are removed from the community, and it results in more alienation, which then causes

Our reserves have notoriously horrific conditions. Canadians like to front like we are so progressive and post-racial but we have a very disturbing history of treatment of First Nations (and Inuit and Métis) people, and ongoing issue addressing said conditions on reserves.

As a technical matter, Canadian First Nations/Metis/Inuit persons are never referred to as ‘Indians’, although I understand this is the legal terminology in the US.

Darkest Timeline Ricky.

I think it probably had something to do with Aaron being a teenager when their relationship began, and her being a 40something in a position of authority over him?