
I am not being a shithead, either -Does it have to be a specific policy for kids from an extremely marginalized community with a horrific past and present of suffering genocide, forcible removal, rape, cultural ethnocide, extreme poverty, etc. to be legitimately scared of a general, burgeoning atmosphere of hate,

Dunno, I worked with my cousin in a frozen banana stand for a summer and it went pretty well.

On Criminal minds he mixed it into the food truck that fed the search party.

She was still charged and served time, just not nearly long enough.

Just do it. I took a day today and all I did was sleep in late and played trains with my 3 year old nephew for an hour

The only moral abortion is my abortion. The only moral welfare is my welfare.

I can’t afford a guest computer, spent all my money on avocado toast.

As Mr. Rogers said- look for the helpers. This type of event is so horrifying, but knowing that there are people helping gives me hope.

Psych’s “Fries Cuatro Quesos Dos Fritos” are high on my list.

Makes me miss Chasing Life.

Dangit, another awesome show canceled before its time. Rest In TV Peace, Chloe and June.

The general rule I was given was “safe to drive, safe to feed,” but that the milk is likely safe before you feel clearheaded. The only reason to pump and dump is if you’re worried about keeping your supply up, otherwise if you just wait a little bit there’s no question the milk is fine. My hospital would serve mothers

I think you are right a lot of single men are behind their computer screens. Sounds like you are doing fun stuff & enjoying life. Better than a loveless marriage with bratty kids! 🤣

Entenmann’s Pop’ems are obviously stolen from Tim Horton’s Timbits, which are better and come in a variety of flavours including my fave, chocolate glazed. I see you Entenmann’s and as a good Canadian, I will silently judge you.

Follow Sophia Bush on Instagram! She’s an absolute delight. Also, do you watch iZombie? Not teens or quite the same level of absurdity, but its fun and also showcases Robert Buckley’s beauty.

Frankly, it didn’t even occur to me to think about the type of gun used in this situation and whether it would be appropriate. So, for at least myself, thanks!

I believe you mean 3rd which is actually 7th in the timelline

I have normal hearing but like to watch things with captions on in case the dialogue gets hard to follow.

Honestly, a lot of people here can’t grasp the concept that there are places in this country where you can drive 20 minutes without seeing another house, let alone a town. That there are businesses in the Midwest that are floundering because the only entry level labor in the area needs to ride a bus, and the bus only

*standing ovation*