
Did you hear today how Doug Ford said that tomorrow meeting between the Deputy Mayor and the Premier is a sham because they are both "unelected officials". As if both weren't elected to the body for which they were elected to lead by that body. I wonder where Rob would be if he didn't have his enabler in chief (who

I watched it with my mom thinking it would be funny but it wasn't (despite the goldmine of material) and the best part was the only celebrity my mom knew was Martha Stewart, I gave up on trying to explain who the other ones were (she is savvy but doesn't give a shit).

I use the second method but have a few regular substitutions I make to appease the password gods. I also like to tie the password (tangentially) to the site, so maybe Amazon password uses the names of different rivers. I find that it helps me remember them and still make them relatively secure (and possible to type

I was hyper when I was in High school (so much so I had a goiter and ended up having radioactive iodine treatment) and then I ended up swinging hypo in a big way, going off to university, getting depressed, eating too much and gaining weight. So for 10 years I've been hypo and fighting (with little success) against

I too have a wonky thyroid and it can be a bitch. I just switched off a high dose gets my T3 and T4 into range but my TSH says I'm super low, but also makes my heart pump a million beats a minute which makes working out a chore.

We have systems like this and they are a godsend!

I work at a charity that employs 2.5 people (I'm the .5) and I'm so grateful to our kick-ass contract bookkeeper who has helped us set up systems that not only protect the charity, also protects the staff if we ever were to have a bad audit. The systems take time but they are more than worth the effort.

But not all of us are Level 8, or have taken naps in Borneo.

My hand blender came with the standard blender head, as well as a whisk and a mini-mini-food processor, it is an absolute dream. I have no reason to own a regular blender, because this thing does everything I need it too.

Seriously (on both counts!). I tried to figure out how else that word could be pronounced, and she did it the only way you can, basically with a contraction in it.

I went to a public school in Texas, and in 9th grade we had a week of Sex-ed in health class (which was co-ed). The only thing I really remember is that we were shown a powerpoint/slideshow of male and female genitalia ravaged by STIs and that it was the first time I had seen a penis (it was just a picture but it was

I have a family friend who's grandmother was a secretary in the CIA, and now her son (our friends Uncle) is now a "travel agent" who seems to always be going on trips over seas to countries that are mysteriously destabilized a year later. We always figured he was an agent, but maybe she was too.

And now you are making me miss living in Texas and having an HEB. Oh and Central Market, how you are so much better than Whole Foods. (I lived in Austin and worked near both Whole Foods and would still make the trip to Central Market uptown to avoid Whole Foods).

I always throw a cube of veggie stock in when I cook quinoa (well it goes best with 2 cups quinoa and 4 cups water). I should make my own stock but this seems to work just as well for me.

I miss her ridiculous songs. I sing the muffin top song everytime I eat a muffin.

Same thing happened to me, well not quite so blatantly to be still hyperlinked, but the student was an international student and I had read enough of her work to know her grammar and syntax. Because it was due the next morning, and the prof was a hard ass with no remorse about failing the group over one student in a

My mom's best friend is a professor and cancer researcher and one of her graduate students had not only plagiarized her work, but plagiarized her WRONG. She had a good laugh about it as she was kicking is ass out of school.

I kinda figured that would happen to me in the class where I had an essay due after my Thesis (MPlan) had to be turned in. I was so loopy on lack of sleep and stress that I wrote the most off the wall paper ever. The class was environmental theory and we had to come up with our own environmental ethic and write

They could always go the Scully route, large 90s trench coats and have her abducted by aliens!

I totally agree, but it makes me think of the saying "those who profess to love being brutally honest, are more interested in the brutality than the honesty."