My uncle has been an avid long distance runner since he was a young teen and around 47 he started becoming irrationally angry, turns out the double hip replacement he had at 50 (thanks to OHIP, the single payer healthcare system we have in Ontario), solved the problem as he had worn out both his hips. And that was…
I have real respect for celebrities who take their former characters in stride when fans run into them in their day-to-day lives.
As someone who owned all three versions of Riverdance and both versions of Lord of the Dance you have my undying love for posting this. I would have love to see them live back when the original cast was touring.
Ugh, I can't believe Movember is a thing. When I was in university (not that long ago) the guys would do No-Shave November just to be dirty scuzzballs and because that's the kind of shit you can pull when you are in university.
I had two different roommates in grad school, one had parents who stayed together for the kids and were pretty miserable and the other split when they realized they shouldn't be together and found a new happiness. One was kinda nuts and screwed up and the other was way more well adjusted, you guess which was which.…
Apparently whenever Joss wanted you to really, really hate a character he would have them hurt Willow in some way.
Thanks for posting the picture, his site has crashed under the weight of being Jezebeled, I just wanted to make sure he wasn't someone I knew from when I lived in Austin.
For those, like me, who do better hearing articles rather than reading them, RadioLab did an amazing piece on this story that is well worth a listen.
Have you heard the Radiolab piece on this story?
Honestly, I avoided New Girl for almost two years because of not really liking Zooey's shtick, but honestly I gave in over the summer and she really mellows out and the rest of the character are really, really enjoyable. And Merritt Wever is a great because she is a love interest for Schmidt who is totally not his…
So at Penny's wedding there better be a dude on rollerblades and a performance by Mandonna. I don't care that Penny isn't a real person, and that Casey Wilson only played Penny on tv, I need this to happen.
Well she is only in the last few episodes of season 2, and she is only a guest star, but she plays a great character.
I must confess I know her as Elizabeth on New Girl, but she is just so spectacular in this clip. I think I'm going to have to save this GIF for getting out of threads that are rapidly devolving.
Totally, Slate did an article with some theories as to why - Say Yes to a Different Dress. Down with the strapless wedding gown.
Yep it is. It was released by CBS at Comic-Con this summer.
Ted's kids wonder that same thing.
And that episode from New Girl where Winston plays on Schmidt's white guilt and tries to convince him to buy crack cocaine.
And Schmidt could try to hit it with Penny, who might actually make him cry. Alex and Winston could go way over the top and prank the crap out of everyone. Max would make Nick look like a productive member of society.