
No kidding, did they learn nothing in mandatory Texas State history in grade 7, you don't mess with Texans (even if you are one yourself).

I live in Ontario these days and so many people here likes to shit on Texas (and most of the US) like everyone is a Tea Partying, anti-Muslin bigot. I'm just so happy to show them that there are many Texans (and Americans) who are downright awesome.

I had no idea this was going on last night (and most of the good stuff went on after I was off to bed) but as a ex-pat Texan living in Ontario I'm so proud of my friends and fellow Austinites who went down to the state house and took care of business.

I was in Canada and so replace Girl Guides with Girl Scouts.

My internet presence is like 90% knitting and spinning, 5% pictures of my sister's dog, 5% rando nature pictures, I'm not too worried.

What I learned in Texas is, sit still and in the shade, wear loose fitting clothes from natural fibers (cotton/linen/silk) and a sunhat and drink lots of water. It's like learning to deal with winter, proper clothing and good mindset is 90% of surviving it.

I live in Muskoka and so going to the grocery store in the summer you can practically feel the sunburns radiating off people who spent too long on the dock drinking beers and coolers.

That was one thing I found moving back to Ontario from Texas. In Texas we had to deal with the hot and the sun almost year round and so everyone owned hats, sunglasses, loose clothes that covered your shoulders and kept you cool. I used to do research/field work in Austin in July and we would be in full boots, long

Yeah, lets just say there was a significant amount of "retraining" that went on following my parents finding out about the feet thing.

I'm 28 and I had my eyebrows waxed for the very first time a week or so ago (I had always tweezed prior) and I was surprised how not-painful it was. It was uncomfortable and awkward but not really painful.

My 5'1", 98lb grandmother always thought we were joking when we bought her the "Skinny Cooks Can't Be Trusted" sign for her kitchen, we weren't.

As a 2010 Graduate in Community and Regional Planning from the University of Texas at Austin I can say that my class was about half women and quite a few of them were married or in committed relationships. A few even had kids, although not many.

She was hosting, for some unknown reason.

I can't stop watching this. I love it!

It's not so much names, but when I was wilderness guiding I had a couple on the trip who had specific sounds that they would call out to each other in a crowd. She had a really sweet bird trill and he sounded like an oldtimey car horn, and they would use it if they lost track of the other.

I think to me Steve Holt was the most startling, but what got me most with Lindsay was the terrible wig they had her in the first few episodes. She looked much better once she "cut her hair".

Orange males are the only ones I let break my heart.

Agreed. I have just finished the first watch through of all 15 and I'm a bit shell-shocked. But I'm hoping that like with the previous seasons I find them funnier the more I watch them. Considering the non-linear story telling I'm hoping/guessing I catch more in those first few episodes the next time through.

I don't find Seinfeld funny, or Parks and Rec and I couldn't get into Archer.

I've enjoyed it. It has some low spots, but a bad episode of Community is still better than a good episode of nearly every other comedy on TV.