
You should be watching Republic of Doyle (it just got syndicated to the States) it is like a weekly, hour-long ode to Newfoundland, and it has this guy ...

Ever since we started having debates on television.

I know, right!

I wouldn't call her the worst (mostly because she amused me greatly), but I'm totally with you on Josh and Amy or Josh and Joey Lucas or Josh and anyone but Donna.

I loved singing in a women's chorus (not sure if we were a choir ...) and missing it terribly now that I have moved away. As the only person in my 20s (and the youngest by 20-30 years) it was lots of fun to meet women I wouldn't have much cause to spend time. Also getting to sing was a real enjoyement, I'm not a

Ugh that sucks. I'm back in Canada but I grew up as an immigrant in the US, an immigrant from Canada with a Green Card, who looked and spoke (well almost, I do sorta say oot instead of out) like my white classmates.

There are so many amazing Bartlett clips, but that one is really special. Thanks for reposting, and also for sending me back down the West Wing hole, Mrs. Landingham's funeral always upsets me so much I have to stop watching for a while, but this is a great reminder of why I need to get back into them (for the third

My dad's line always was "better living through modern chemistry". He has a PhD in medicinal chemistry and worked in big pharma for most of his career so he knew what went into most of the drugs on the market. I definitely use medications, they can improve the quality of my life, but I'm also aware of the impact

That's a matter of personal discretion, TSS is real (my mother had it as young woman, but not from a tampon but a IUD) but 8hrs with a tampon in is not a likely cause.

No kidding! I haven't worn a pad in well over a decade and only childbirth (from what I hear) will make me wear one again. I think the only thing worse than wearing a pad and waking up in a pool of your own menstrual blood would be a dude keen on being the thing that I cover in a pool of menstrual blood.

My coworker was recovering from surgery last week and was watching The Talk, she gave us a play by play of the April Fool's Episode. This is my long way of saying, you are not alone.

I know I was wondering the same thing!

I haven't seen that, but it is delightfully wonderful.

Oh unfortunately this is something else, mostly that government librarians and archivists who teach, attend conferences, speak at public meetings on their personal time are classified as "High Risk" and could be subject to sanctions.

I know, right!

That's good. Oh Rob Ford, I've lived in Texas and he is one of the most cray-cray politicians going, but on the flip-side we have some awesome people here, including the Mayor of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi (

Well, not to burst your's or Ani's bubble but Canada isn't exactly the socialist paradise it has been portrayed as.

Never saw My Girl, but I think of her from her small role on White Collar last season as the agent from DC.

Now playing

Oh that was always such a fun episode, and this quote will always stay with me, mostly because of Scully's face.

I came here to post the same thing. It's his damn name not a title.