
Are you talking about our gorgeous gazebos? Because living here through the G8, there was some wasteful spending, but also the pool of money was put out there and it gave communities like Orrville and others a chance to access funds that they otherwise would not have had any access too.

I live in Parry Sound/Muskoka and our MPP is Tony Cement, I mean Clement. There is an old joke here that you could paint a pig blue and it would win. I don't know who keeps voting Conservative, but somehow they keep doing it over and over again, at least in this neck of the woods.

I don't know, the epic shits I have after eating too much meat can make a person feel quite cleansed, if only because you know there is nothing left inside your body (including internal organs).

Me too! I always go through the Wikipedia page of episode descriptions as I'm watching a show. I've never been one who deals well with gotcha moments or really much suspense (watching Mrs. Doubtfire as a child nearly killed me because I was so stressed out that Robin Williams was going to get caught).

That's the theory of the French Women Don't Get Fat approach to dieting, eating less of high quality foods that you want is better than eating more of fake "diet" foods that just don't taste as good.

Hey now, some were named Tiffany. Which is the case for my friend Tiffany, who goes by Tiff and her sister Brittany. Why, yes they were born in the 80s.

This is one I was thinking of anyway. Such a great article.

No, if loving Veronica Mars is wrong then I don't ever want to be right. Also, I watched it roll over $2m about 10 min ago, so we are a go!

Well it looks like a trimmed version of the fake beard that Evil Abed wears ...

Oh I know, right! I never got into Little Mosque (I was living in the States when it started) but Cracked, Republic of Doyle and Arctic Air are on my must watch lists, and Being Erica was just so very good. They do so much to highlight the places where they are filmed and make me want to go to there, well except

And by contrast, Arctic Air (which is filmed in Yellowknife, NWT) and stars may First Nations, Inuit and Metis actors, including Adam Beach, playing First Nations, Inuit and Metis characters, have yet to wear anything that even remotely resembles that get up.

I'm wondering if the nurse said "well you're not alone/the first one", because I agree it's likely that the nurse was trying to make the patient feel better and still be sufficiently vague/within regulations.

I've had to holster my distaste of that practice (I HATE Mrs. His Name) because I work with a charity that has many donors in their 70s, 80s and 90s who are quite offended when we send them letters in any other name than Mrs. His Name. We've had donors tell us their husband has passed away, some will go with Mrs.

As someone who calls all her laptops Lappy, I endorse this statement. Also I sometimes recite "Scroll, scroll, the buttons, the buttons, move like a butter on a muffin" under my breath when I scroll through emails.

And the fact that currently the Queen is the Head of the Commonwealth and there is a good chance that William will be one day.

Now playing

Thanks to Community whenever I see the word penis in all caps I hear it in Chevy's voice.

I had Kirsten and my sister had Felicity and later Josefina. They really were something special. I wasn't a doll girl, but I loved my Kirsten because she connected to the stories and her clothing was just so nice.

I wonder what he is like as a person because he certainly excels at playing a certain type of character.

Calico, according to wikipedia. If there isn't any white then they are a tortiseshell.

Well I only made it through the first and second seasons of Mad Men (as I really figured I didn't need to be any more depressed than I already was) but he will always be Conor to me.