I still have a hard time reconciling the Pete/Conor issue. Although it is fun to think that his Pete life was part of the Wolfram and Hart reboot of his life.
I still have a hard time reconciling the Pete/Conor issue. Although it is fun to think that his Pete life was part of the Wolfram and Hart reboot of his life.
And it's all we get in the rest of the province ... well here in Muskoka we have two local weeklies to choose from as well. But they don't exactly do much provincial, national or longform reporting, or are much more than puff profiles and local cranks writing letters to the editor.
When I was a kid living outside Houston I actually burnt the soles of my feet on the concrete sidewalk from going to the community mailbox (2 houses away) barefoot.
This yet again reaffirms that I am a cat person, because of all the adorbs pictures the ones that made me go awwww were the cats and kittens. Also orange cats, they are my favorite, they are the only ones I let break my heart. Miss you Dicey and Cornelius.
I was realizing it this morning as I put on my one pair of winter boots, I'm so not a shoe person. I believe in the three Bs of footwear, Birkenstocks (for summer and indoor shoes in the winter), Blundstones (for spring and fall) and Bogs (for winter/'spring boots). Oh and my cowboy boots, purchased in Austin after…
This is one of the reasons that I love the recent batch of CBC shows: Republic of Doyle (St. Johns, Newfoundland), Arctic Air (Yellowknife, NWT), Being Erica and Cracked (both in Toronto).
Wait till the OP discovers all the LA/NYC shows that are filmed in Toronto and Vancouver!
Netflix and Hulu haven't changed how I watch tv, they shaped the way I watch TV.
I loved Chipotle burritos, mostly because when I was a grad student they could serve for a meal I called linner. I had one day of classes where I could only grab food at about 3pm (for a window starting at 10 am and going till 9pm) and the black bean burrito with guacamole was my hero.
It's Turk and JD from Scrubs. The clip is from the finale when they find out that Turk's daughter and JD's son are engaged. Yes, I'm worried about the fact that I know this too.
For half a second I thought that was Shawn and Gus from Psych but no, it was my other favorite pair of interracial bffs/heterosexual life mates.
Also, doing what you love can help "flavor" what you do in the real world. I studied Human Geography and while I'm not working as a geographer (and I'm not sure if I would want to be), I do work for an environmental charity in an administrative and communications capacity.
The Lucille flapping GIF is one of the truest gifts that Arrrested Development gave to the world. It just makes me happy.
Full Moon Tonight!
Yep, and many people believe it was founded by a guy named Robert, however he doesn't necessarily appeal to a younger demographic.
I know, right!
Well you probably won't need it in Canada unless you are in Rural Quebec and even then you have bigger problems than you can get out of by knowing the names of pop in French.
When I lived in the States I really missed President's Choice, it is such good stuff.
In Canada our big National grocery chain Loblaws ( aka. No Frills, Your Independant Grocer, Great Atlantic Superstore, Great Canadian Superstore etc) has a house brand called No Name. It sells everything in plain yellow packaging and flat font. It is cheaper than their Blue Line (heath concious), Green Label…
I had a female boss like this. She owned her own wilderness guiding company and fought hard to be competitive in a male dominated field and was (and is) very, very good at what she did. However she was brutal to her female employees. Her male employees were mentored and encouraged to stay around, while her female…