
Sour Cream Glaze is where its at, also Cherry Sticks (although they are exceedingly hard to find as each store decides which of the non-standard donuts they want to make).

It's more ubiquitous than special. The thing is no matter where you go in Canada there is a Tim Hortons, the bathrooms are clean and the food is good.

As a Canadian I was confused about the term Double-Double in this article as I was raised to believe the true double-double is a way of ordering coffee from Tim Horton's.

Same for me. I was on the fence, I had bought Closer and liked it, but after this I bought the whole thing and I think I have listened to it about a dozen time since it was released.

Good to know. Now I have a vote on each side, so maybe I will give Five Ghosts another real try and then decide on the new album.

Good to know, I probably won't go out of my way to get it. One of my new faves is Adaline. I heard about her on a CBC Radio 3 Podcast about female new wave artists.

I really prefer the Stars to Metric and Feist but I couldn't get into the Five Ghosts Album, I spent so many years running to Set Yourself on Fire I could recite it word for word, and In Our Bedrooms After the War is a great album. I know Stars have a new one, is it worth checking out?

Agreed! I have been following them since around So Jealous (dear god that was almost a decade ago) and I love this new sound. There is nothing about them making this new album that stops me from listening to The Con on 11 when I need to.

Now playing

They did an AMAZING interview with Jian Ghomeshi earlier this week, and it totally sold me on their new album. I wasn't a huge fan of Sainthood (and it seems neither were they) but this new direction is totally theirs. As they rightly point out if anyone has been following them since Sainthood they have been doing

The idea of Lilo as a Shakespearean scholar makes me think of the scene in the OC where Seth runs into Paris Hilton in a club and she tells him that she is doing her graduate work in English on Thomas Pynchon but not to tell anyone as it would ruin her reputation.

I don't think so.

That must be way more fun than having Norm Miller, my MPP here in Parry Sound/Muskoka (and I also get Tony Cement, I mean Clement, for my MP).

My emotions, my emotions.

Totally agree, we need people supporting legal and safe abortions not Roe v. Wade.

As a handspinner lots of people mention to me I should spin dog fur, however as I'm allergic to dogs I'm not keen on doing it. However, I would guess that in most of these cases the dog fur has been blended, most likely with wool, because dog fur don't have the ideal properties for spinning (it's too smooth and short

I had a friend who took Mining Engineering at Queen's, and I know after undergrad he was looking to go to med school because the prospects of either living in a town like Fort Mac or working on Bay street helping to create new Fort Macs disgusted him. Not sure what he ended up doing, but these stories always make me

No kidding. Remember that article about if Universities are too "Asian" for white Canadians? I was deeply disappointed in my parents when they started subscribing to it in the fall, and everytime I'm home and see it my Dad goes out of the way to mention how balanced he finds it because he knows I think of it as the

No kidding. Remember that article about if Universities are too "Asian" for white Canadians? I was deeply disappointed in my parents when they started subscribing to it in the fall, and everytime I'm home and see it my Dad goes out of the way to mention how balanced he finds it because he knows I think of it as the

Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know what condition they are in, they could be 10 years gone, but if they end up being my responsibility one day that is certainly what I would do.

Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know what condition they are in, they could be 10 years gone, but if they end up being my responsibility one day that is certainly what I would do.