Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know what condition they are in, they could be 10 years gone, but if they end up being my responsibility one day that is certainly what I would do.
Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know what condition they are in, they could be 10 years gone, but if they end up being my responsibility one day that is certainly what I would do.
Thanks for the suggestion, I don't know what condition they are in, they could be 10 years gone, but if they end up being my responsibility one day that is certainly what I would do.
Thank you! I remember reading about it and thinking it was really interesting but the name completely escaped me.
Thank you! I remember reading about it and thinking it was really interesting but the name completely escaped me.
Thank you! I remember reading about it and thinking it was really interesting but the name completely escaped me.
We were never really clear on where my Oma sat on the issue, she was born in Germany, raised in Canada, went back to Germany in 1939 at the age of 15 and came back to Canada in 1946.
We were never really clear on where my Oma sat on the issue, she was born in Germany, raised in Canada, went back to Germany in 1939 at the age of 15 and came back to Canada in 1946.
We were never really clear on where my Oma sat on the issue, she was born in Germany, raised in Canada, went back to Germany in 1939 at the age of 15 and came back to Canada in 1946.
Someone on another thread months ago mentioned a university museum that collects items like this and displays them in an educational/critical capacity. I wish I could remember where it was but my Google-fu is failing me now.
And now I'm listening to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack because I really need to go to bed instead of watching the movie. Plus, I did a turn in county.
I totally bought them on iTunes because I figured it was cheaper to just buy and download them rather than continuously stream them from Netflix (Canada). I have watched them at least a dozen times since downloading and at minimum a dozen times before that (at least for the first season).
My grandparents eloped, (and funny enough my aunt was born 8 months later!) and they weren't going to tell anyone but the next couple to get married saw their name on the register and told people.
Today has been kinda intense, and this (and all the celebratory GIFs) are making me so happy. I love it when the creators and stars of a show love that show as much as the viewers!
There are some moments there where she seems to be doing solo Inuit throat singing (which is a real and very cool thing). Tanya Tagaq is from Nunavut and has figured out a way to throat sing alone, traditionally the songs were performed by two women standing very close, face to face.
It seems like the different Jez writers are treating it differently, cause on Monday there was a really good article on HG and Tracey's Motherloade was surprisingly not-annoying on the topic, then during morning and evening madness its treated very glib-ly.
I'm 28 and still not "authorized" to use the chainsaw or bandsaw (or really any sort of powered saw) at my parents house (which is probably for the best). I don't need to use those tools often so I don't feel the need to learn on them right now.
Ahh Kingston ... celebratory riots at Queen's and the douche who ruined Christmas, and yet I love you, you stupid town.
Just wanted to give a shout out to the ChiaoGoo Twists. They use the awesome red cable and don't kink at all. I love my two KP sets (Harmonies and Nickle Plated) but I got my hands on some Chiao's and they are great.
Is it just me or does Channing Tatum's look say "yeah, I know, all this publicity is wild, but hey I'm going to get in on all this while the getting is good". It only make me like him more, however not enough to actually watch any of his movies.
I wish they had named it Toph, I watch that show about once a year and I love it more each time.