Love thrilledly, will be adding it to my vocab!
Love thrilledly, will be adding it to my vocab!
Def looks like needle felting, but really amazing needle felting. It is incredible what some of the really talented felters can make out of fluff.
Oh, Wilf. Now I have to go watch the end of that episode and cry like a frigging baby.
I was living in Austin in '08 (I'm a dual American/Cdn citizen and I choose to only vote in the country I'm currently a resident, currently Canada) and it was so exciting to actually see to see Texas blue for the first few minutes of the returns coming in, because most of the polls were from the cities, which were…
Actually that would be my friends Brittany and Tiffany (who are sisters), why yes we were born in the 80s.
Everytime someone mocks Canada we send you another plague, we sent you Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Nickleback, Jim Carrey, Carly Rae Jepson ... You keep mocking and we keep sending.
I think I need to give Nashville another go, I love me some Mrs. Coach (Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Romney Sucks) and I'm a sucker for that upbeat country that still has some country flavor left (like the Dixie Chicks).
I'm still puzzling how on earth my vagina is going to reach the table and hold the pencil, and also I don't know how exactly I'm going to vote without getting arrested for public nudity.
Northern Ontario is mostly Crown Land (government owned land) and there is no one to land on. It is the area of Texas and Lousiana combined with a population equal to Detroit.
After watching Six Feet Under, I kinda figured that natural burial is the way I would want to be disposed of. I find embalming icky, and cremation is just so resource intensive, so that leaves ... natural burial.
I like this better when it was only one episode and Veronica Mars was the one investigating ...
Me too. Just this wrecked me after I watched it before work this morning.
And Casey the SVU prosecutor was a female rapist (and a choker if I recall correctly) in the season prior to her starting as prosecutor.
The Harry Potter audio books are like my own personal pacifier. There is something so delightful about being read to by Jim Dale when you are on a long drive or feeling depressed and lonely in university. I have only read the books once each, but I have listened to the audio books at least a half-dozen times (well…
I've had issues with Tea Leoni ever since she made the X-Files move to LA (yes, I know this was nearly 15 years ago, but no I'm still not over the show moving and creating those gawd awful seasons in the desert), but that awesome swearing has given her a few more points (she might even be excused for facilitating the…
Unfortunately not in Canada (I miss American Netflix and Hulu), but thanks for the heads up. I may try to track down the DVDs at some stage.
Oh I love this! Could be helped along by love of Donna Noble, but Catherine Tait is just a great comedian I would love to see her more often.
As someone who loves YA and FanFic (mostly vintage X-Files fic) I have a "never the twain shall meet" feeling about them.
Hi ... How are you Today is still one of my favorite CDs and is frequent rotation. He is still touring, I was going to go see him in my (very small) town but tickets were like $45 and so I ended up passing.