Demented squirrel (Cute and Cuddly Mutant Zombie Squirrel of Death) birthing a dragon?
Demented squirrel (Cute and Cuddly Mutant Zombie Squirrel of Death) birthing a dragon?
Me too, I can come here and people think like I do, it's great! I hear there are other spots on the internet where people think things I don't agree with, however since I don't agree with them I don't go looking for them or spend to much time there getting a rage-stroke.
First, love that your breasts make brunch plans, mine are never so thoughtful.
Ugh just read the Sofia Vergara story, what stuck out to me was "I am not there to look intelligent. I want to show all this off while I still have it. I already know I am going to get a breast lift. Then, maybe one day, when I am done with being sexy, I will just get rid of them,” she says.
Because it would have probably made him popular and not making Arctic Air, one of my favorite fun/stupid/trashy TV shows from last year.
Well he only had like 4 episodes before he went rogue/undercover, then he was dead and then he was a zombie. It's not like he's had time to find romance, but I'm hopeful he will get his turn with a townie.
My cousins are Status Indians (Wasauksing FN in Ontario, our white moms are sisters) and they have been confused for so many things, including Asian (they look like their FN dad), although never "brown person". Although when my cousin was a kid he knew he was "half white" and could never figure out which part of his…
Not alone, I had three separate crying jags through the episode and loved every moment of the adventure.
It's on my list of "Home Sick" Movies, with Center Stage, Empire Records, Men With Brooms, Ever After, Anastasia, Can't Hardly Wait amongst other great movies.
I can't help thinking of this scene after seeing the top pic of the girl with the gun. Oh Saved, there is something for everyone in that movie.
I used to guide sea kayak trips on Georgian Bay, so when we get old, will you take me on trips in the Absarokas, in return I will take you sea kayaking on Georgian Bay (the most amazing spot to go sea kayaking).
I love this! Thank you for sharing, I'm home sick today and it has me totally hypnotized #sixseasonsandamovie
Agreed on Matt Bomer, and also Neil Caffrey is always into strong smart women I would be sad to see him as Christian Grey. Hopefully, he has absolutely NOTHING to do with that 50 Shads of Grossness bullshit.
I do like Amy and I'm dreading watching the Angels in Manhattan, I will probably wait, read the recap and then watch it, because I can't handle character deaths. I know why they have to happen, but I put off watching The Body (Buffy), Children of Earth, Serenity and others because I know a character was going to die.
My life changed the day I went from wearing a 40C to a 38E (UK), and now I have a range of bras for different reasons that fit like a charm with that full coverage you are talking about. Suddenly every thing fit better and I felt better.
I wouldn't know, I never made it much past the First Season of Mad Men, because it depressed the crap out of me.
I would say you should watch it in order, again give it a few episodes, its not until about episode 4 that everything gels, but they pay off is good.
I tried BBT and could not get into it, I just went and watched AD for like the 50th time. It's not as random as Community but it does keep track of its own story lines so its lots of fun for the observant viewer.
I once heard it contrasted to the Big Bang Theory, as the BBT is a stupid show about smart people and AD is a smart show about stupid people.