Maybe they can find a way to work in "lesbian shit-asses" and go full meta!
Maybe they can find a way to work in "lesbian shit-asses" and go full meta!
Okay, I see this GIF on here all the time, what is it from? I really have never been able to place it.
Now, do you think that performance will help the Glee Club place at regionals? If not Mr. Rad will take care of that, again.
Or that Indians only live in the parts of the country that don't matter, that they only live on-reserve, and are sitting there in their braids and feathers with a single tear running down their cheeks about the fate of their land.
I need to hear more of their stuff, but my cousin Waub Rice is a journalist in Ottawa and has told me about them and after hearing their DNTO interview I know I need to buy their album cause they are awesome!
Right now in Ottawa people are trying to get a junior football team name changed from the Nepean Redskins to anything else.
But what is "Native American" culture? There are thousands of unique communities with their own languages, traditions and practices that are collected together as "Native Americans".
Now that Google is working again, here are some links:
Thank you, I typed about three different responses to this poster and none of them seemed to cover it all. And you reminded me, I really need to add Native Appropriations to my Reader account, I forget about her and then mainline like 6months worth of posts and pass out from a rage stroke about the shit she writes…
If you want to see a great mix of glow-paint and First Nations (American Indian) traditions check out The Electric Pow Wow. It is a monthly event hosted by A Tribe Called Red, a group of First Nations DJs from across Canada who perform in Ottawa. They have amazing beats and a real respect for the traditional pow-wow…
Well mostly my sister has a tiny apartment and no way for the cat to get outside and the cat spent the last 3 year prowling around outside and loving it. So for the summer she is at my parents but she will be going back home to my sister's in a couple of weeks. So yes the cat has a great life, but also it was about…
I just moved back out of my parents place (again, for the fourth time) and I miss Ophelia, my sister's cat who has been spending the summer at my parents place, this just makes me miss her more and wonder when I will live in a place where I can get a cat of my own.
Well, Lindy opened this line of questioning by referencing Zeus: Master of Olympus the best-est video game. I guess I could tie it back by mention in that I also was too busy building Greek (and Atlantian) city-states in my dorm room to be smoking.
The real question, is did you ever get the Poseidon expansion pack? You could build on Atlantis and have elephants pull your marble blocks.
Agreed, my Grannie lost nearly 3 or 4 years in a sanitorium when she was in her 20s after contracting TB from one of her young patients (she was just out of nursing school).
What about the fact that most of those resources are in Nunavik? To my understanding many of the First Nations and Inuit communities that predominate in the north aren't interested in being part of a Francophone, separate Quebec.
I was thinking the Texas of Canada, they have oil, cowboys, and low taxes, just like in Texas.
Particularly because NB is the only officially Bilingual province with a strong Acadian/Francophone tradition. I can't see them liking being part of the US.
Likely not, particularly as a large portion of their wealth it due to resources in the north, Nunavik, a large areas that is populated mostly Aboriginal people (both First Nations and Inuit communities exist in Northern Quebec) who aren't fans of the separatist leanings of the south. I have heard that if Quebec…
Dear Ottawa, stop trying to make Alanis Morisette happen.