
Brand names, particularly in the smaller communities. Unless you live in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver you don't have Crate & Barrel, Williams Sonoma, American Eagle/Abercrombie (although they are starting to spread), stuff like that.

Thanks for the recommendations, I need a better resource than what I was able to get from a social worker that was part of the Mental Health Team at my Doctors Office (I live in Canada and I don't have to pay for these services, which is awesome).

When I lived in Austin we used to get uncooked flour tortillas and cook/heat them at home, they were amazing. Living in Northern Ontario now, I would do obscene and illegal things to have real totillas again.

I admit, I'm still sorts in denial that the show started 20 years ago, even though I was too young to watch it until it was already sliding downhill.

I've been doing them on and off for months, skipping the conspiracy eps that I have seen way too many times because I could only afford the conspiracy DVDs in university.

Nope, just the right amount.

I didn't ask too much when I found that out last week, but from what I figured out it comes out the urethra (I presume) and she has to push it back in with her finger. She is 88 years old and is deciding whether to get the repair that has a 50% chance of leaving her incontinent or just keep shoving it back in.

Not to terrify you more but my Grannie has a prolapsed bladder and hell yes they do come out ...

I'm a Phile who has a decent stash of fanfic stored in her computer and used to run an X-Files fan site in HS, owned the action figures from the first movie and played Marita Couvarubius in X-Files: The Musical, but I find the the idea of David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson as a couple slightly off putting, I always

I think that many of these anti-choice, anti-progress voices are accustomed to speaking in an echo chamber, which may help prop up their feelings of importance and of speaking for the majority. While many of us who are in the pro-choice community have been raised in more diverse places and we don't feel as

OMG, I used to watch that show on YTV in my Grandmothers basement the summer we had to live with her (1999).

Kinja is still not optimized for PMs but that is very cool. I haven't lived in the North, just a trip down the Nahanni after university and many summers of shipping food up north. I have only run the section between Rabbitkettle and Nahanni Butte, but it was something special. I managed to lose my camera in the

I forgot she was from Stratford, she is probably too classy and ethereal to get involved with little dumbasses like Bieber.

Black Feather in Ontario, we used to send trips down the Nahanni, Mountain, Coppermine, and other northern rivers. I have shipped food into places I will never get to go!

Where are you from? I used to work for a wilderness guiding company and spent a fair bit of time studying the North, so I love talking to people from the North.

He once announced he was the only good thing to come out of Stratford, Ontario.

I had a very good friend with face blindness (fun note, her identical twin sister was also face blind so that made for some curious moments), and after learning about her condition I found I made an effort to always say hi to her when she was approaching, because I knew that voice was one of her cues to identify a

My grampa has a giant huge black head at the outside end of one of his eyebrows and when I have dinner with my extended family I have to remind myself that 1. I can't just go and squeeze it and 2. I really shouldn't spend of all of dinner staring at it.

Just checked out the IMDB on Bent, looks like Jeffrey Tambor is in (George Bluth from Arrested Development). Looks like I'm going to have to track this one down cause FNL+AD = Coppertree Love.

My cousins are still really little (8 &11) and they stayed with my parents two summers ago and took to calling my Dad Uncle No, instead of Uncle Jo because he always said no to them (no, I don't know where the chips are, no you do have to eat your vegetables, no I won't watch you play video games).