I agree, as a Canadian who has a 13% tax on goods and services (online and in person), 5% sounds fine.
I agree, as a Canadian who has a 13% tax on goods and services (online and in person), 5% sounds fine.
More like Le Chateau (circa late 90s when I knew what was in both stores) but with much lower manufacturing/design standards.
I know the head naturalist at the park and it makes him laugh, it really is too absurd to not find a little funny. It does show how it isn't really the bear's fault that they are a nuisance, it is the stupid humans who figure "what's the harm, I'll just leave my cooler out, what are the odds".
I worked as a wilderness canoeist and guide for many years (over a decade) in Black Bear country here in Ontario and I never had an issue, and I've had some legendary periods out there over the years
I think the increasing humanity of S.A.R.A.H. is a really neat idea, and a nice arc for the series. Also, and if they could get Sarah Michelle Geller to provide her "human" form would be great little treat.
Not evil, human and jealous. She has shown herself to be pretty devious over the years, the first season, H.O.U.S.E. Rules she traps them, then she convinces a scientist to try and destroy Sheriff Andy in the S3.5 (I think) opener by accessing and messing with the GD mainframe.
My MacBook Pro's DVD drive kicked it a while ago (after having been replaced under Apple Care) from extreme overuse on my part so I would be totally fine buying a new laptop without an DVD drive.
Oh Anna, I'm totally having FIRE!! sale sort of day, so thanks for the AD laugh.
I found the show funny from the get go, but lots of people get stuck by the first few episodes, so don't let them discourage you. It really hits its stride about 5 eps in and for me never really lets up.
Coppertree likes Leonard's Post.
We were at UT Austin together, he was doing Community Planning and Law and when the Arab Spring hit he flew over to check on his grandmother (and actually met an ABC crew on the plane who gave him a ride from the airport to his Grandma's place).
It's not to late! In my town of 6,500 we have a women's chorus (not quite a choir at this stage) and three different small groups (two quartets and an octet) that are spun off of that chorus.
I had a friend in grad school who would wax his mustache and twist the ends of it constantly in class. He was far from evil (well to the Egyptian gov't maybe because he is over there raising hell these days) but he certainly had the evil mustache twirl down pat.
My very smart and educated mother dropped out of the workforce after having me, partly because we emigrated to the US and she didn't have Work Visa for the first 5 years, however she gave her time tirelessly to volunteer efforts, like Girl Guides and butterfly gardens at our grade schools. She also volunteered with…
As a non-coffee tea fan I have to give some side-eye to the sarcasm against tea drinkers in the post.
Have you tried David's Tea? I love some of their seasonal blends and the fact that they have some stores outside the GTA/MTL/VAN centers.
I love how when Zayn Malik speaks about his faith it is a "jihad" and when the Jonas Brother or Bieber or the latest of the non-threatening Christian pop stars talks about their faith, and purity rings, it is "the Lord's work in action, praise be to God". (first is a direct quote from the linked article the second is…
I would say this is fairly astute comment. When Andy starts going evil Alison really says they need to think like Carter would, and when Carter spouts out some crazy Nathan Stark/Henry/Zane type solution, she looks at him and says "no like OUR Carter would think". Like when he distills the problem to the essence and…
Most of the sports losing sports team t-shirts end up in this system. Like New Jersey Devils - 2012 Stanley Cup t-shirts get produced before the series (so that rabid sports fans can buy them the next day) but when the Kings actually win the cup all the Devils shirts end up going wholesale to Africa or to fabric…
All those hatch marks on her back, I was wondering if Shia kept seeing The Silents.