My Opa was trained as a butcher in Switzerland and kept all his fingers (thankfully) so a healthy respect of knives was a big part of learning to cook when I was younger.
My Opa was trained as a butcher in Switzerland and kept all his fingers (thankfully) so a healthy respect of knives was a big part of learning to cook when I was younger.
That sucks for your Dad and your family. My mom's good friend has progressive MS and it is a really shitty, sucky disease.
I had so very many of them and I as many time as I have re-read them I just was running out of space for when I move again and again and it didn't seem right to just leave them in my parents attic where no one could read them.
I have read and re-read them so many times, but it was really interesting when I read them after being in University when I finally understood her decision to leave Jon for George. I never understood why she didn't want to be with Jon, not because he was a prince, but because he seemed to really love and respect her…
Umm, I have promised myself if I ever end up with a black male cat his name will be Faithful. I so wanted to be Alanna its not even funny.
I donated most of my YA fiction to my local library last year because they have a shitty collection and I'm 27 so if I'm desperate for a fix I can just go take them out of the library, but I refused to give up my beaten copies of the Lioness Quartet.
My friend in HS had the opposite problem growing up, her dad was and still is a nurse. He does physical rehab with patients, I think.
I like this one a whole lot, if only because it makes it seem like she has a sense of humor and fun about the song, (and knows it is a fun pop song and not high art) and that she has a halfway decent voice when it hasn't been processed. Also, The Roots are great.
Very fun, to me this was what I wanted Glee and American Idol to be, reinterpretations rather than karaoke.
Well played Carley Ray Jepsen, these parodies/covers are Party in the USA quality. This could mean a great long summer of fun stupid YouTube videos.
Just saw the first episode this weekend, it was great. Also love that VMars is one of the contestants.
For me it's Vinnie van Lowe (Ken Marino), I don't love him but I always recognize him and what what sort of scam he is running.
Shouldn't it be that more older women are being diagnosed with eating disorders?
So sad to hear about Kathryn Joosten.
Two Cathedrals truly breaks my heart, also her performance in Scrubs was awesome.
I dumped my sister out of a chair once.
Every time I hear about EMILY's List all I can think about is CJ Cregg from the West Wing repeating their slogan.
Well in mosquitos already exist in the Arctic, along with black flies which are the size of poppie seeds and are much more miserable than mosquitos as they crawl in your ears, nose and eyes and the bites cause you to bleed.
HIV in humans is actually older than that. I listened to fascinating podcast from Radiolab that aired in November where they traced HIV in humans back to the 1920s or earlier, however it was in such isolated populations in Central Africa, I think Cameroon, it wasn't an issue because it has such a small range and…