
He still terrifies me from Six Feet Under, he always seems just one bad moment from becoming Psycho Sisto.

I tried to enjoy Suburgatory, but Jeremy Sisto still gives me the kinda creeps from Six Feet Under. I always think he is one bad episode away from kidnapping and suicide attempts.

Oh, that guy. Yes, more Alcide and Caffrey for all!

I haven't seen the SNL episode, but I agree, what sort of sorcery does the man have. He is kind of like Blade from the last Community ep, he seems to not feel shame so he draws you in and makes you like him.

I'm not a True Blood watcher but as a White Collar/Matt Bomer watcher I will support you in your hunt for more Alcide.

I have to admit, I have a soft spot for Channing Tatum, mostly because much like The Rock he doesn't seem to take himself and his career overly seriously. That he has a sense of humor about the fact that he is probably a flash-in-the-pan and his career could be over as quick as it started.

I know and often helps me through the Annie/Jeff icky feelings (I know big age gaps can work for some people but I find them creepy).

I checked before correcting myself. For so many people handwork is one big thing, but yes, I agree they look nothing alike.

I adore my Mac. I know you will get very anti-Mac people out there, but I love mine and I am happy to use a PC at work but my personal life has gone Mac.

Also, whenever I see Alison Brie at these things I am startled into realization that she is actually older than me and not actually Annie from Community (I don't watch Mad Men so I don't often see her as an actual adult).

As a knitter and crocheter I would like to point out that Emily Blunt's dress has had beaded embroidery, not lace work.

This is what the iTunes store (or Amazon) are for, no one has to see you buy it.

Other than the disappointing lack of Matt Bomer in the Magic Mike trailer, it seems like a surprisingly fun movie that I will download for watching on days I feel sick, along with Center Stage and Stick It (for some unknown reason).

Nope, Kevin's father was killed/died before he was born and has never been mentioned since the first couple of eps when Carter found out that Allison and Stark were married, he asked if he was Kevin's father and she said no.

Nope, but I guess there a bunch of us out there with strange cousins who photograph their shits.

Me too. And if I ever get a real job (work for a trail group, I wear jeans and t-shirts most days) I will be hitting them up to fit my big boobed, short waisted, wide hipped, long legged body in respectable clothing.

Where do you think organic lentils come from?

The guides were treating him that if he didn't shit they were going to have to manually disimpact his bowel. That got him moving, but the memory of the whole thing still haunts me more than a decade later.

After a family of nurses and half a lifetime of wilderness camping and guiding, my poop embarrassment is nonexistant. I am the 4th type, I shit, I don't care who knows I shit but I won't make it a part of your life.

No matter which way you look at it, they are full of shit.