My favorite part of living alone is not having to close the bathroom door when I am using the toilet.
My favorite part of living alone is not having to close the bathroom door when I am using the toilet.
I went to a canoeing summer camp and the person who I know who went the longest without shitting (because he wouldn't go in the woods) made it about 10 days, and it made him so very, very sick.
The Daly Show is amazing! We could all be a little less douche (makes sense if you have seen the first ep).
It is amazing to see how he remains the same (ie. always identifiable as himself) but yet somehow a man appears from the features that were once on a boy.
I have the total opposite problem with my mom, we will be watching something I have seen before and she spend the whole time bugging me to tell her what is going to happen and I work really hard not to spoil it (I am a terrible secret keeper, well unimportant secret keeper). We watch most shows on DVD and so I make…
Apparently Nathan Fillion is so awesome that when people address him as Capt. Mal when he is just running errands he smiles and acts like Mal for a few seconds, with an "at ease browncoat" sort of thing.
He is the doctor, I was a Firefly fan first, but I watched Waitress on a plane once and found myself surprisingly charmed by it, and Nathan Fillion was no small part of that charm, and I love pie.
I like it better when Norman Wells is a random town in the Northwest Territories of Canada rather than stupid doctor in the UK.
I can't imagine that standard cafateria fare is any better than a McDonald's and as someone who has issues with mystery food, the consitnancy of McD's food across the US (and clean bathrooms) has kept me sane on many a roadtrip, the kind where I am moving cross-country for like the 3rd time in 5 years.
I don't know why but I am so stupidly happy for Jason Segel and Michelle Williams, it just seems so right.
Then you need this recipe, []
I'm home with my parents so my bank account is fine but my self-esteem blows (nothing like living with your parents at 27). Internet strangers are awesome! Thats the amazing thing, there is always someone else out there with the exact same problems as you, which is great for me as I live in a really small town…
Ugh that is rough! I figure at least in non-profit work I am closer to doing planning work that I would in retail.
I'm doing contracts with environmental non-profits, this one is about to run out and I am starting to get seriously stressed about what is next.
The human brain is a facinating thing. Although not as dramatic, I often use music to help place me in a time. When I listen to certain albums they take me so completely to a place in my memory it is almost eerie, some are totally mundane and others are not.
I am already having a wonky day so to avoid crying at work I can't watch this. But when my Oma was dying of a brain tumor all she wanted to listen to was music from her youth.
It was only on my second time through stats (once in geography undergrad and once in planning school) did I finally really get it. It really is all about having a teacher that works for you, or finding the variation that works.
I know! It is good to see Irish Dancers other than Michael Flatley getting well known as an Irish Dancer.
Gorram Reavers, "If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing – and if we're very very lucky, they'll do it in that order."