The Eureka promo video is in fact a clip from Looper.
The Eureka promo video is in fact a clip from Looper.
My current contract is about to run out so I am looking for a new job and one of my parameters is a job that will let me go outside for work (I currently work in recreational trail management). I know I have been happiest at my jobs when I get to spend at least 1/3 of my time out doors and that commuting on foot or…
I can tell the days at work (like today) when I don't walk in the morning. I am kinda useless without that kick in gear in the AM.
I know, right!
I was in my parents attic recently and found my Mulder and Scully dolls, I remember being so annoyed when I lost one of their guns (I was in grade 9 at the time).
I call my laptop Lappy 486, and when trying to explain Strongbad, Trogdor and Teen Girl Squad to a friend about 5 years younger she was convinced I was actively stoned at work. I don't smoke pot but my friends from first year who introduced me to Teen Girl Squad sure did.
Yes! And now I need to watch this movie again.
Yay! Wab is a really great reporter (and a friend of my cousin Waub who is also Ojibwa and a CBC reporter). If you have the time check out 8th Fire, a Documentary series Wab did this winter, amazing reporting on some really interesting First Nations issues.
Classic. I know you are being funny, but I can't help but share my favorite response to most Native stereotypes, good old Wab Kinew (a First Nations members and reporter for the CBC in Canada).
My two grandmothers were born within 2 months of each other one was a nurse and wore sensible shoes her whole life/career, the other ran a restaurant and wore high heels till her feet fell off. Comparing their feet at age 78 (which would have been about 10 years ago, before my high-heel wearing Oma died) made me…
I may not be a girl any more but I know I get really funky if I don't get enough time outdoors. The best thing about my job right now is that I can walk to work (takes 20+ minutes each way) and that helps me stay sane at work and at home.
I don't blame you! I used to guide for adults and even seeing the changes in them after a trip is enough to want to do it forever.
My fave part of the 2010 Olympics coverage was when someone possibly Katie Couric was talking about Terry Fox (who is an amazing Canadian hero who died in 1981) and they put up a picture of Michael J. Fox.
Agreed, not only is she an amazing singer she looks AMAZING. And now I will listen to her for the rest of the day, yes!
I have done environmental education with people of all ages (and also been a kayak instructor) and while many would say I taught them stuff I never considered my self a "teacher" but rather an educator or instructor. To me teachers are people who have a degree or certification in teaching and are registered as such.
I agree. I think the Pierce is dying episode in S2 was one of the better eps so he has had his strong points, but he has been extra crazy this year and not really adding much to the group.
Maybe we are in the darkest timeline ... time to go get my black felt goatee.
Ugh Chevy, if you Britta up a 4th season renewal, you will be so streets behind, the only person who could find you are Inspector Spacetime and Constable Reggie, because it is not a matter of where you are but when you are.
The multiple cycle thing is what my friend who told me when I started using mine. Because I gave up on it many times in that first year, but my desire to make it work brought me back so yah I can see that if you aren't into the idea it wouldn't be a whole lot of fun.
If I get stuck in a place where I have a leak or mis-install without a private sink I generally just wipe out the blood with a piece of toilet paper and stick it back in. I will give it a full rinse/scrub (depending) when I get home to a sink (that is the advice they give with the cup).