It took me almost a year of using the cup to get it "broken in" enough to get a good fit nearly every time (I still have misses and they can get messy). During that time I would alternate it with OBs.
It took me almost a year of using the cup to get it "broken in" enough to get a good fit nearly every time (I still have misses and they can get messy). During that time I would alternate it with OBs.
As one of those Diva Cuppers I apologize, I love mine but recognize that they are not for everyone.
I am a Diva Cup/OB girl, those applicator ones already scared me (too many moving parts) and now I am even more certain that applicator ones are out to get me.
I just got back and I am pretty Meh about it. But I am not a huge fan of movies (vs. TV or books) because I enjoy a long winding narrative (Wheel of Time and LOTR not included) so I find movies just too damn short. I enjoyed the books (as I enjoy most YA fantasy fiction) but the movie was kinda jumpy for me.
I really can't bring myself to watch this, after reading the New Yorker article that included all the texts the whole thing is just a bit much for me. The whole thing is such a mess.
"You can't disappoint a picture" I think I would react much the way Troy did if I ever met Nathan Fillion. (Sorry for the shitty quality, it was the only video I could find that had the best part of the ep)
I heart Nathan Fillion and his ongoing willingness and enjoyment of been a Geek God.
SO I am way behind in my TAL listening (I like to save them for long drives) and I haven't heard the initial Mr. Daisey story or the Retraction story yet. Would you suggest listening them back to back, or just skipping the initial story and just listening to Retraction?
No joke when my cousin (female, 6 years older) was travelling in Australia she and her friend used my name as a code for taking a shit. Instead of saying they were going to take a shit they would say they were getting "a call from coppertree" or that they needed to "call coppertree".
The American insurance thing is unreal. As a dual Canadian/American one of the big reasons I decided to come back to Canada after grad school was because I was paying $100 a month to pay my first $10,000 in medical expenses each year (self-insured rather than going the ala-carte uninsured route in case I didn't find…
Despite being a lover of libraries (and volunteer when it fits in my schedule) that is a questions I would never have thought to ask. Wow!
She has pinned how to make fresh tortillas, I NEED fresh tortillas, that is all.
Or you could be like my Oma who felt that if the prescription said to take 1 every 8 hours, it would be twice as good to take 2 every 4 hours. Surprisingly she didn't die of an overdose at any point, but she was probably too stubborn for that.
I'll just leave this ... I miss the West Wing.
10 points for the awesome cat pictures. And I agree, we need a name for a handshake and a hi-five.
Reading the article it sounds like a Nurse tried to help by turning up the radio to do her part to make the Doctor harder to hear. The patient could still hear. From the article,
With respect to your point to the Internet = Porn, Dr. Cox would agree with you. (Start at 0:11 if you don't want to hear the full rant).
Thanks for the link, I live in Ontario so this hasn't exactly been in my local papers and so I end up hunting down news links after Jez posts an article.
I just looked up the deal and I can't believe he didn't take the deal.
My parents discussed after having my sister and decided that my mom never wanted more kids, in case of divorce or widowing and my dad was neutral on more kids (in case of divorce or widowing) so she had the tubal ligation.