Yay for Alison Brie. She will always be Annie to me (Six Seasons and a Movie) but it is so cool that she can have two such different characters "on the go" at the same time.
Yay for Alison Brie. She will always be Annie to me (Six Seasons and a Movie) but it is so cool that she can have two such different characters "on the go" at the same time.
I find this really interesting, because I am a 27 year old virgin (seriously) and I have had the HPV vaccine, and my many of my different doctors (I move pretty regularly so I seems to only see a doctor a few times) have insisted that I have Pap smears.
I been formatting my selection of erotic and non-erotic X-Files fanfic into fancy e-book format so I can seem classy reading it on my iPad. For me it is not about the embarrassment, (although it is odd) but rather, reading on my iPad is much easier than reading a Txt file on my computer in the evening.
And I lived in Texas so drills push me straight to oil.
If you are CDN I am one of those duals who just can't ignore what is going on down in the States. I admit after studying in Texas (including a seminar on water policy) I am somewhat afraid they will be draining away the Great Lakes before they move up here.
I can't find a screen cap right now but all I can think is Mr. Burn drilling the oil out from under Springfield elementary, thanks for the laugh.
My mistake, but the point still stands, earplugs for all!
Why not, because if Romney wins it seems we will be drilling for oil everywhere so we will all have to wear them because we will have rigs in our backyards.
This reminds me that I need to rewatch the West Wing, I love that show so very, very much.
I love that the GIF has the NBC logo on it, one of the groups that is assy about regional viewing.
Good to know I will check them out as some point.
I don't think I will go for Moirin, if I could get it from my library I might (but I live in a town of 6,000 our library sucks) but sounds like it is not worth buying.
First, I love NG and that is so cool that you work for them.
As someone who likes the smell of National Geographic magazine (well used to, they changed their glue a few years back) I can empathise, HOWEVER I manage to not carry around copies of National Geographic with me to sniff for comfort. When I come across an issue I may give it a sniff in the comfort of my own home (or…
Agreed on Black Jewels, I only read the first book once because it was deeply disturbing, and there was some seriously fucked up stuff in all the books. My first comment wasn't very nuanced, but yes you are right, most of it is rape (and it was my first real exposure to male rape) and that is not BDSM.
I'm pretty upset about the movie version of Ender's Game so you have my sympathies.
The joy of Jezebel, learning you weren't actually alone in doing strange things in High school.
I took it out of my local library when I was in University and so I wasn't exactly too young but there was a decent plot in there and some serious universe building, which is a big part of why I liked those books, the sex was just bonus.
I only ever read the original trilogy, did you ever read the other books in the "universe" are they worth reading?
I always prefer my BDSM-ish erotica wrapped up in slightly better writing (although I haven't read this) and with a Fantasy-ish flavor. My two faves are the Kushiel books by Jacquline Carey and the Black Jewels books by Anne Bishop.