We naturalized as Americans in Texas and the judge said in very Texan drawl, "I wan't y'all to remember that you are Texans first and Americans second". So
We naturalized as Americans in Texas and the judge said in very Texan drawl, "I wan't y'all to remember that you are Texans first and Americans second". So
That used to happen to us, but they didn't usually leave them for that long (thankfully) because they would just be in the bookstore across the very small hall. The big issue for us were the kids who would be playing with trains, then pull down their pants and take a piss or a shit. Thankfully it never happened when…
I really am not familiar enough with this org to really comment, but as someone who works for NFP that spends most of its money on staffing, I want to say that it doesn't always mean things are bad. I help administer a regional trail network, so most of the work we do is marketing and maintenance and since we have…
I know people who put together themselves Slayer training plans, so that they would be as badass as Buffy. Imagining you are working out to be an awesome asskicker seems like a good idea.
I would say Lychee with a fortune cookie flavored dipping stick, not unlike the Lin-Sanity Ben & Jerry's [www.theglobeandmail.com]
There is a blog where they make recipes based on food in books and they have done Hunger Games, some of the stuff looks really good.
I have heard rumors that Sherlock could be the Master (very unreliable rumors), which would be absolutely AMAZING, despite the retconning required although I'm sure Capt. Jack would love retcon Sherlock.
I agree with you, however for some it is an issue. They feel that any thing that was tested on an animal at any stage is worthy of banning.
The other issue with cruelty-free that I haven't seen in this article but can be discussed, is that many of the components used in cruelty-free makeup were tested historically on animals by other companies and now because they are deemed safe on humans (after the animal testing) but since the company themselves didn't…
Orange kitties are my favorite, I am such a sucker for them, thank you for posting this picture.
Agreed, I watched the early launch in the Spring of 2010, I guess and I loved it, and I watched the first season waiting for it to hit the high that was the pilot. I dropped it mid-second season when I realized I didn't care if I missed the episodes.
I'm so sorry for your losses. It never ceases to amaze me how much music informs memories, because it sounds like your grandparents live on through the music they loved.
There is no way she is 5'8", I am about that tall, and she seemed to be significantly shorter than me. I was behind a counter but still I was looking down at her.
In 2008 when Brad Pitt was in Austin filming Tree of Life and Angelina was pregnant with the twins (but not announced yet) she and her friend/staffer came into the store I was working in.
We had the Spooky Old Tree board game because my sister loved the book so much.
I will never forget how embarrassed I was when a prof asked a semi-rhetorical question and I gave the answer he wasn't looking for in a lecture of 150 students (I was in a 1st year Geography course). I was totally correct and he wasn't mad and told me so in a smaller 4th year lecture he taught, so I was fine, but…
My first year of university I was in a Great Books program and we would have tutorials (12 students and PhD or ABD PhD candidate) every day after lecture. These Tutors (as we called them) would always challenge us and we were expected to speak up, debate, challenge the tutors and each other.
It all depends on the leaders. When I was Brownie leader when I was in HS and we tried to balance the two, however often it is easier for overworked, volunteer leaders to do crafts than to try to put together programming. Also some are more progressive than others, depending how long they have been in the…