
That sounds about right, and Community is back in March so I am a happy girl.

Yay for Eureka fans! I hear the final season will start airing in April.

I have been asking this since the Alabama discussion, but does this mean that a woman, who is an illegal alien and gets pregnant in Oklahoma, cannot be deported (for whatever reason) because her fetus is an American citizen, who they cannot deport?

There is nothing wrong with enjoying the Olympics, but we have to recognize them for what they are, a spectacle, not a tool for a secure economic future. I will be interested on the impact to Sochi, as a less established international destination hopefully they will go the Barcelona route and not the Athens route.

I this is the article I was looking for, thank you. My dad and I were discussing the economic impact of the Olympics a few days ago and I'm sure he was referencing from this article. But yes, I agree "meh" for cities like Vancouver and London and disastrous for cities like Athens.

As someone who gets my ears stuffed with wax the way people get stuffed up noses, (waxy ears are a sign for me that my allergies are spiked), I can share a one if you would like!

Not nearly enough. Most cities are already so well known they don't see much of a boost, London for example (who doesn't know about London or would be inspired to visit there after seeing it on the Olympics) or even Vancouver.

Apparently Barcelona is the only city in recent history that was able to parlay an Olympics in a revival for the city.

Agreed, those two broke my heart. That boxing match makes never fails to make me want to head to my bunk!

Agreed, thanks to Mulder and Scully shipping I discovered some of the dark corners of the internet. I discovered both fanfic and literotica fanfic (for which I am forever grateful), as well as helping to create an X-Files fansite (Mulder and Scully's Bogus Journey, which should still be in the wayback machine), with

Looks more like a large triangle shawl to me. Etsy will probably have something, and if you know how to crochet or are wanting to learn, someone on Ravelry will probably have come up with a schematic/pattern after seeing the trailer.

I enjoy working from home, it allows me to work intensely on a project and then take a total break, go for a run, spin on my spinning wheel. I need some big change of pace every 3 hours or so and to stretch my legs every hour, and when I get frustrated, knitting a row or a minute of spinning can help me refocus and

And when Blue Ivy(tm) has a little brother or sister they can get her a Doll Sized Pram to push along beside B.


So all this Dirtbag made me feel was sad that the campy shtick that was Dirty Sexy Money is no longer on TV, I loved that show. So much absurdity, so much camp, so much Donald Sutherland and Peter Krause.

At my gym they often have those afternoon chat shows on with the captions on and man sometimes they are just absurd. I do like when you can see the typist erase and retype the comment.

It is just like when you can't tell the difference between an Onion article and a real news article ... Does it say more about the reader or the society?

Exactly! I used to live just blocks away from House Park in Austin (where all the in-town teams played football) and in the fall I loved to leave my windows open because on Friday nights I could hear the games and more importantly, the halftime shows.

I think I feel the same way about this as I do about Glee, I am really glad that a bunch of young dancers/performers/singers got a decent paycheck out of this.

As someone who has voted for the Green Party in Canada in every election since I turned 18, I really don't want my party being turned into even more of a joke in the US by people like Roseanne Barr. While I know there are actors who can be okay politicians, this seems too much like making my party and beliefs into a