
They also work well in wilderness first aid, where you can use them to store medical waste, or as an emergency irrigation syringe (fill em up and snip the tip), and even to store filtered water.

My fathers family was from Germany so I grew up using down duvets, back before you could get them for cheap at Ikea. So I only have one blanket (it is a double deep one that feels heavy when you are under it), but I sleep with it tucked under my body like a sleeping bag.

I have always been single and I don't sleep across the bed, I sleep in the middle of the bed with all the damn covers. I know if anyone ever does join me in my bed they will have to bring their own eiderdown because after almost 30 years, I am not sharing mine with anyone else.

I'm 27 and I have never really dated and I am okay with that, because like you I want a partner, not a date and because of that I have always had crushes on friends that haven't gone anywhere. The whole idea of dating gives me hives, I would rather do the things I love, volunteer, be involved in community activities,

I'm about your age and single and I will stand with you and say you are NOT fooling yourself.

I used to Irish Dance and my two most frequent dancing partners were a sold 6" shorter and 5 cup sizes smaller (they were max B's and I was an in denial DD at that stage). I didn't really understand how real bras worked so when I was competing or performing, I would wear four bras and a shelf leotard under my dress

I had a boyfriend in high school who dumped me (and told me that kissing me was like kissing his sister, but that is a side note) in order to date a girl who was "going to become a lesbian" if he didn't date her.

Now playing

I have been sceptical of Susan G. Komen and co. since I read about the Pink Ribbons Inc. book 5 years ago. The NFB (Canada's National Film Board) is just about to release a documentary on the same topic, pinkwashing, and it looks fantastic.

It is totally ridiculous and preposterous so it may not be something you love. I am all about ridiculous tv, if I wanted reality I would spend time with people, so I may not be the best to give advice.

Agreed on House of Lies, there was an excessive amount of boobs in the pilot, and as the owner of a large pair I don't mind seeing boobs, but it seems so gross and exploitative and totally boring.

It makes me think about the West Wing, very early on Zoe does something stupid and the president goes on a rant about her being kidnapped and being out of his mind as a parent. The line, "the country no longer has a President, but a father who is out of his mind because his littler girl is in a shack somewhere in

I wish I could remember the details of why it upset me so much, but I read it two years ago while writing my MSc thesis as book candy so the details are lost, but the icky feeling still remains.

I don't think I would make my uterus a publicly traded company, mostly because I don't want to have to schedule AGMs that would fit the schedule of every fucking Republican in Congress. I will keep it privately held, sure there is less profit, but I can hold my board meetings on my time and serve chocolate and

I'm not sure if you finished Graceling, but I liked it till the last 20 pages or so. I don't want to spoil anything if you aren't finished, but I had no interest in reading any more by the author after seeing how she finished the books.

I love me some VMars but I found there was just too many boobies and swear words in the pilot of House of Lies to make me want to watch it any further, I had to walk away from the pilot to do something and I have no interest in going back. I will watch my VMars DVDs to get my Kirsten Bell fix rather than her new show.

That is an awesome plan! Season 3 has been pretty good, and the 2nd ep back from the mid-season break is on tonight so you will be ready for it.

Peter Burke and Jones are also on the good looking guys list for that show.

Seriously! Although these days he is more likely to return your wallet than steal it.

You mean shirtless Neal Caffrey, I thought it needed to be down a few layers (and my boss was talking to me).

And its not just suits for him.