
This is more relevant if you are Canadian but the Words First document put out by Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (formerly Indian and Northern Affairs Canada). When I lived in the States I looked for a similar document but never found anything.

And the science/news cycle probably didn't help, on top of all the bullshit data.

I spent a bunch of years living in Phoenixville, PA and I will never forget that hoagie day was the one day my mom would let my sister and me buy our lunches at school. You used to order them ahead of time and it was a big deal.

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Yay! It is amazing to see more American Indians and First Nations people entering the public realm, and being awesome about it.

ABC Family was originally Pat Robertson's Christian Ministry channel, and then became The Family Channel, then Fox Family then ABC Family. As I understand there is a remaining contract that they air religious programming like The 700 Club and other tv ministries in the off hours.


I'm a dual American/Canadian and I am so effed up because of learning both metric and imperial at different stages in my life. I like big weights in pounds like dumbells and body weight, but my small weights in grams (ie yarn, pasta). I want short distances like height or the size of a knitting cable in inches, but

Well Fetch was Streets Ahead, but now we are all Streets Behind.

This what the original Kardashian Klan looked like when they were younger, including Robert Sr.

The things we do for our cats!

I'm a Christina and for some reason a girl I was friends with in preschool misheard me and thought my name was Halloweena, apparently it was a very strange conversation between our moms clearing that one up.

Can anyone with more Google-fu (and a faster computer, my work one is about to have a heart attack) verify that 50% of girls under 15 are forced into marriage?

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This is untrue, because we all know that "Abed is Batman Now -Christian Bale"

They did this for a Lululemon store opening in Kingston, Ontario when I was in university. It was a big scandal (and the last time they did it, I believe) mostly because the store opening was in December and the students (it was pretty much all university students) spent a good part of the night before on the

My head is throbbing but mostly from helping my mom empty the attic at my Grandparent's house (where I am living while they are selling it). Between the mildew and the dust I am dying over here. So knitting and Community reruns for me!

I used to really enjoy going to see movies at the Alamo Drafthouse (S. Lamar) when I lived in Austin, but now that I am back in my small hometown I don't ever go to the movies. The tickets are overpriced, the screen is small (it is an old 50s single screen that was divided at some point in the 70s or 80s) and it

Welcome home. I came back in 2010 and I am so glad to be back in Ontario, after three years in Texas.

That blows! In 1992 the Queen declared it to be her annus horribilis, for my family it was 2000, a year of three divorces and my cousin falling off a two story ladder and shattering her leg and an uncle having a heart attack, but surviving.

Speaking of McNabb, he is going to be playing Gaston on Once Upon a TIme some time in February, I am unreasonably excited about that.