
Funny, when I heard the song I thought it would fit well. Because faced with the horrors of living in the Districts and being in the Games people are unlikely to sing ballads in praise of the violence but rather hide away in the fantasy of a world of safety and comfort.

My thanks for the star, I'm sure my Oma would love to know her wisdom is still being shared and appreciated.

That is a great post, I will be sharing it future!

Its an interesting way to think about buying, and quite often I will spend more to get a good quality item that I really want (be it shoes or spinning wheels) that will last me years rather than going for "fast fashion".

Nope she was German and she was a very pragmatic woman (although a bit tough minded, she moved my Oma from Montreal back to Germany in 1939, something that caused my Oma to be a hard woman to get to know).

Now playing

At least when Jeff means young flesh he is thinking of a 19 year old woman being played by a 28 year old actress.

When I saw the article title, I thought it was going to follow the advice of my great-Oma who always said "We are too poor to buy cheap things". This is mantra I try to keep with me, especially because cheap things too often come with a huge environmental and human rights footprints.

This, seriously! I love me some Martin Freeman, and this trailer will have to tide me over till January 1st when Sherlock Series 2 starts on the BBC, no idea when in Canada or US, thankfully the world of video piracy knows no borders.

As someone who loves teddy bears this amuses me greatly, however as someone who has worked as a wilderness guide in bear country this scares me shitless.

Wow, I'm not surprised they would request it, it seems like a dignified way of giving fair warning, like using the subject line on an email properly so you know not to open it when you are on your way out the door, but rather when you have time to read it properly.

Did the letter have the black band around it? My mother has found some old letters in our house (it was built in 1898) and was in the original family till the 1980s and then went to a single owner till it came to my parents in the early 2000s, and one was a letter from England (where the original family emigrated

Did anyone get to play with Fabuland?

Umm I'm pretty sure that I would have my UT Austin degree revoked for even considering fucking Tim Tebow.

That year my Grannie was doing all her Christmas shopping out of the Sears catalogue and she saw the Elmo toy, thought my cousin would like it and ordered it in early September. She was totally oblivious to the mania and my little cousin got one for Christmas, with its head.

I used to work as a wilderness guide and we had a guy who used to take our trips who drove an immaculate purple 60s/70s Barracuda fitted with a roof rack for whitewater canoes and kayaks.

Whenever I hear the phrase "brutal honesty" I think of a quote I heard somewhere that goes "someone who proclaims brutal honesty is generally more interested in the brutality than the honesty".

Most commercial bamboo is a new type of Tencel (aka wood based textile). They take the bamboo, and melt down the pulp, turn it a slurry and spin a new fiber from it, so it is like a polyester that is not made from a petroleum base.

This PhD always made me chuckle.

Now playing

Ugh! While swearing may (or may not) be in the Marine Corp manual the Middleman will provide us with far more entertaining pronouncements, while leading men around like dogs (only if that's what they're into and we are GGG).