
This reminds me of the study on the impact of porn on male brains, and the study had to be shut down because they couldn't find any university aged guys who hadn't viewed porn to serve as a control group.

Guh, this is what I get for remembering, not reading.

This is almost as ridiculous as when an MP (my stupid MP. actually) proposed to change the word of O Canada from "in all thy sons command" to "in all our us command".

I actually like it more (than the last few seasons, not the first 6 seasons or so). It seems a bit more like the original L&O and less like the broody borderline-abusive Stabler and emotionally broken Benson shipper fanfic.

Very true! I must admit I started with the 9th Doctor, and I haven't gone back to watch the earlier Doctors, he is really great in L&O:UK.

Oh yes, and he uses his natural accent so he is super hot (not during the chubby phase) and totally British. I sometimes find the plots a bit more challenging than the US version because of the legal quirks I'm not familiar with, but it is still fun to see the American stories adapted to the present and UK.

Have you ever watched L&O UK? They used stories from the first 5 seasons of the original L&O and they have Lee Adama (from Battlestar Galactica) and Martha Jones (Doctor Who).

It is different with Stabler gone, but I think it is a bit like the original L&O, more about the stories, the law, the different teams and less about Benson and Stabler.

I'm not exactly a Royalist, but it seems there is a bit of an information gap between reality and public perception when it comes to the royals.

Now playing

The whole cost of the Monarchy thing is far more confusing that it first appears. Basically the Crown pays the monarchy a salary in lieu of them earning the profits of their lands, which the Government gets to keep for itself. So the government receives 4x the revenue on Crown Lands than it spends on upkeep of the

Thank goodness! I can't get bras, yarn, David's Tea or Mexican food in Parry Sound, so I will need to get to TO at some point this winter, because a girl can only go without those things for so long!

Ummm, not having people who you want to take your pants off for? Or having people who want to take their pants off with you.

You are my new hero! There are many things I miss about Austin and the food is a big, big one!

Oh Jamie, please do! Around here the only place to get "burritos" is McDonalds or from an Old El Paso box and it makes me want to cry.

I lived in Austin and Chipotle was what I settled for when I couldn't get really good Torchy's, now that I live in small-town Ontario I would do anything for Chipotle (and I can't say what I would do for some Torchy's Tacos.)

Unless we had a federal Defence of Fetuses Act, I imagine it would.

I'm generally confident but I don't always call people out on their shit. However ...

That's true Nayleigh (or however you spell it) is way, way too adorable to be a minion.

Serious question:

I can't watch the video at work, but with that dress on, all I can think of is Glory, from Buffy. Maybe thats why Katherine Heigl makes me crazy, she shares her body with a male med student and is actually a hell god who has a nasty habit of consuming peoples brains.