
I think this is more startling that Jez's American readers would expect, because having socialized medicine in Canada (where the Globe & Mail is published) we have a lesser degree of the medical-industrial complex that you see in the States.

My cousin recently published a book of fictional short stories about life as a young Aboriginal Canadian.

And Marilyn Monroe was a size 14, no wait size 14 was smaller back then ... blah blah blah.

Fuck you TLC.

I can hardly make it through the clip, it just made me so uncomfortable.

Both my parents have had their birthdays on Thanksgiving, my Mom (Oct 12) has Canadian Thanksgiving, while my Dad (Nov 22) gets American Thanksgiving. We are dual citizens so it somehow just seems right.

It's okay, in many cases leftovers taste better because they have had a chance to marinate. I have been a leftover for just over a month now, and I have never been better.

My grandmother is quite thin and has always tried, at times without sucess, to manage the weights of most our family who are all broad and all within a range of healthy-ish weights (some of us are on both ends of the spectrum).

I have no idea, but it certainly put his other kids with Mia in a really uncomfortable situation.

I am so out of the loop, and a nerd, that I wondered why Funny or Die would be parodying a short run Fox TV show that stared Nathan Fillion.

I just found out his son with Mia, Ronan Farrow, who, coincidently is a genius, seems super cool and is unbelievably attractive, has been quoted as saying ...

My dad only wanted kids if he could be guaranteed two girls (my sister and I obliged). For a while we had my female cousin living with us and he called the house Estrogen Acres, because he was so very much outnumbered.

My mom went there as well, but had such a terrible time that she didn't encourage me to go there. I liked it (well Geography anyway) but it is an insane, insane place.

While my parents went for a more conventional middle name for me, Thea, they did call me their Acapulco Princess after the hotel they were staying at. I did make jokes myself growing up that I was a perfect NAFTA product, made in Mexico, born in Canada and raised in the States.

When my Grampa went to Queen's (Sci '49) they used to keep the particle accelerator in the basement of Ontario Hall. I (ArtSci '07) always thought about history when I walked by that building.

Yay for Golden Words, that thing was ridiculously fun, and the Fake Journal is always one of the best issues of the year (and I say this as a former Journal Editor).

I'm ArtSci '07 (Geography), and it was amazing having a first hand, year long view into that whole shitshow. I enjoyed my time at Queen's but there was so much going on under the surface, working for the Journal was such an eye opening experience.

I worked for the Journal the year of the "celebratory riot", and something like 90% of the people arrested and charged didn't attend Queen's or live in Kingston. They heard it was going to be a ridiculous party and they came to town to throwdown.

First, it is the Queen's Journal, as a former Assistant News Editor I get a bit picky about that.

There is a woman in my area who is named Cherith, and while I haven't met her, all I can think everytime I see her name is Michael Bluth/Cherith Cutestory, the maritime lawyer.