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We will get that show back on the air, buddy.

Gawd I miss Austin. Blue Bell is one of the large reasons for my sadness.

I find I go back to it again and again to remind myself of the extreme hypocrisy that so many in the "pro-life", really anti-choice, movement exhibit.

"The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion" is an amazing collection of quotes that tackle that last issue. I first read it thanks to a Jezzie and I now pass along the favor. []

So he is a "guidance councillor" the way college football players study "communications"?

R. Lee Ermey was recently on a flight with a "famous" knitting blogger/writer and she didn't recognize him and he was interested in her knitting. So she got some picture of him learning a bit of knitting.

I was ArtSci '07.

Cha Gheill! I was a geography student at Queen's. It amazes me how Queens, RMC/Fort Henry and the KP are all in the same town yet each in their own little worlds.

My parents have been all about the fake trees since the year my mom got poison ivy on her arms from a vine that had been growing up the center of the tree.

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Most of the west isn't populated and isn't really policed, something like 90% of the Canadian population is within 100mi of the US/Canada border and in cities like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

I have a friend who woke up on the Saturday at 4am with a gun in his face and man entering the room of his 6mo son. Turns out his downstairs neighbors were York students who were planning some serious protests. The cops who had him sitting on the sidewalk in cuffs said that the doors were unlocked (who lives in TO

I must confess as an Ontarian, I have little to no info about the RCMP, particularly in BC. We have the OPP and we have our own sets of trouble (G20 crackdown anyone?), but this RCMP bullshit seems to be a fuckery of a different level.

The thing is that the RCMP serves the function of the FBI, State Troopers and Local Police in a majority of the Canada, only Ontario and Quebec have provincial police forces.

I don't care that he has nothing to do with this, other than selling off the Toronto Zoo, I choose to blame Rob Ford.

I wasn't but I will now. Also, hearted for random acts of Firefly.

And hearted!

Well I know that from some studies that generally gay households are wealthier than lesbian households. Often times this is associated with the fact that in gay households both people work (generally making more money than a household with two women) and lesbian couples are more likely to have children, work less

His "institute" at the University of Toronto has turned out jackshit and all he does is run around shouting "creative class" "gays" "money" and people think he is the be all end all.

PhD is AMAZING. A friend of mine who is working on her PhD sent me a link a couple of years ago and I started from the beginning, so worth your time, particularly if you are in grad school and don't want to do work.