I work for a non profit trail org and there are two of us, my male boss and myself so I end up fielding most of the general info calls and emails.
I used to watch it in my Oma's basement the summer we lived with her. Breaker High and Student Bodies were my faves.
Of course, he wasn't always known for his brooding silence ...
In Quebec it is not legal for a woman to change her last name because she married.
Apparently when both my sister and I were born my dad followed the nurses until we were tagged. Not to be paranoid, but it just seemed like the prudent thing to do (and he was able the witness the truly impressive shit my sister took before they weighed her).
I was born in 84 to parents who were born in 51 and 54, and I don't see myself as Gen X, because my cultural references are more Boy Band than Brat Pack.
Funny, I was born in 1984, and really don't remember the Berlin Wall falling, my favorite bands and movies are from the 90s.
My office has four people and I am the one to take out the garbage ... good for hiding my addictions, but not so good for my officemates. I try not to judge their fast food habits, but it is hard.
I think most of the Commonwealth countries use them as a symbol of remembrance, as we have them in Canada as well. There was a big to-do a few years ago when they changed the centre of the poppies from green to black.
If you are my uncle, you start dating a guy the age of your youngest child, nuke your marriage and relationship with your three oldest children and spend your 50s and 60s alone.
Agreed. Whenever I am slightly cranky, I punch up the volume and sing along with the Mumford and Sons and I magically feel better.
My sister just started watching Buffy and has long been a fan of True Blood (books and show) and Twilight and I am big fan of the whole Whedon-verse. We had the most ridiculous conversation where I tried to explain how vampires worked in Buffy/Angel (not ever having watched Twilight or True Blood), because Spike sure…
I am also a Kirsten, mostly because only Felicity, Kirsten, Samantha and Molly were the choices so I got Kirsten and my sister had Felicty.
Agreed. I always felt like the fact that they were terrible actors was somehow awesome, because they were real ballet dancers.
Seriously! That is my "I feel shitty and need to watch a movie movie" he was such a wooden actor and his character was such a dupe, but oh how he moves.
One of my favorite bits on Psych ... "Henry Spencer: I'm not a pet-killer, Shawn. Chairman Meow is living very happily in a retirement home in Ojai. And I don't want to burst your bubble, but Chairman Meow...is Chair*woman* Meow. "
I swear the carpet installer stole my golden cartridge of Zelda: Ocarina of Time when i was a teenager. I searched for it so many times in the 4 years we lived in that house, to no avail. It was so special cause my mom waited in line for the special edition and I nearly beat it.
A Cha-gheill to Emma! As a Queen's grad it is nice to see us in the news for something other than our occasional celebratory riot.
I think so, because she switched to Telus from Rogers ... either way I know my sister gets in trouble when she visits her boyfriends family in Niagara Falls, sometimes she gets a warning, but I know for the most part she texts, not talks.