I know it has been mentioned on this site before, but if you look for wedding dresses designed for LDS brides you will find they are quite modest with sleeves, and reasonably priced IIRC.
I know it has been mentioned on this site before, but if you look for wedding dresses designed for LDS brides you will find they are quite modest with sleeves, and reasonably priced IIRC.
My cousin had the opposite problem, she moved from Ottawa to a town about 25mi from the US border and for some reason her Rogers cell phone plan (which had coverage where she lived) kept connecting to the US network and her and her husband's bill was several thousand dollars the first month they were there. They…
I have never really had the hots for him, but he was damn good in that movie, as well as Dead Like Me and even Criminal Minds, I am looking forward to watching him in Homeland.
Hells yes, on both counts!
She is like a demented, one-woman Science-News Cycle. Aaaand Image Fail [www.phdcomics.com]
I will never forget my sex-ed class in Texas in grade 9 health, circa 1998. It consisted of a co-ed slide show of male and female genitalia ravaged by STIs. I remember trying to figure out whether the owner of the crotch being displayed was male or female. There may have been more abstinence education, but really…
I feel for you Mr. Gosling, I too was a Canadian kid raised in States and my parents were really strict about us not sound like we came from New Jersey (where we were living when I was 18mo to age 7) or then later from Philadelphia. So I sound mostly Canadian, but with some very strange other accents in there.
I am a knitter and spinner, and I can't get over the people who spin their pet hair (usually blended with wool because cat and dog hair is super short and hard to spin) and turn it into garments.
For sure, I was living on West Campus (hence two blocks for Paul) and then I moved into the "Student Living Area"/"Ghetto" and I remember the mass email, he was in a halfway house in Portsmouth Harbour, so not too close to the student body, but really Kingston is not that big. Also, he was released in the August of…
I went to university in a town that is as well known for its prisons as its universities, Kingston, ON. It took some time to come to terms with the fact that I slept two blocks away from Paul Bernardo, but after two years there I completely forgot about the implications of living so close to some of the worst…
I went to school with a woman who has face blindness (her identical twin does as well) and she compensated for it by always introducing herself to people and not saying a name till the other spoke. After learning about her condition I was concious to always say hi to her first so that she would hear my voice (which…
I am no fabric expert but those look like modern prints (one looked like an Amy Butler, but after closer examination it wasn't). So you don't need 1957 to get it just a sewing machine (and/or a good seamstress).
When you are 21 and guiding people in their 50s (and far too often the dudes were creepers), you have to find ways to pee without exposing yourself.
I spent many years canoe guiding in a one piece, it is doable. It just involves the possibility of getting pee on your hands when you pull the crotch piece to the side.
That makes me think of the Barenaked Ladies song "If I had $1,000,000" where they annouce if they had a million dollars they would have "A lot more Kraft Dinner (and expensive ketchup - dijon ketchup - to go with it)"
Darn, because somehow HG and Ianto running around in a steampunk world just seems like a nerdgasm waiting to happen. Oh well, thanks for the info, I tried to follow all the comic-con news but there is just too much of it sometimes.
I must confess that I hope this HG episode is some sort of backdoor pilot for the steampunk-y HG show that has been teased before. Also if that show could feature Ianto I would be most appreciative.
If I looked that great in such a sweet jacket, damn straight I would wear it more than once.