I was pretty sure he ran exclusively on the greenbelt, with his gun, I mean grunning on the greenbelt.
I was pretty sure he ran exclusively on the greenbelt, with his gun, I mean grunning on the greenbelt.
My sister was more a fan of white out for tagging. To this day we still find things emblazoned with her name, she is 24. Recently she bought nice satin labels so that she can mark the quilts she finished. She still writes on stuff, just with better materials now.
When I was in university my uncle passed away and he was in his 50s. He had suffered from schizophrenia since he had been a teen, regularly went off his meds and frequently selfmedicated with recreational drugs and alcohol. To this day we have no idea how he died and more than a year after he passed away we were…
I love podcasts and I am always looking for more, so these are good suggestions.
I must confess I always dream that she is more like The O.C. Paris Hilton than the Simple Life Paris Hilton.
Yep, she announced her username on Twitter a few days ago, she mentioned she would be putting up projects soon.
Yay Pink, another badass knitter out in public. Although the revelation that Margaret Atwood was on Ravelry is far more exciting than Pink, it is great to keep destroying the stereotype that knitters are always grannies and cat ladies (although some are one, the other or both).
I was more of a rugby gal myself, however my sister had a blast playing flag football in high school. It was an organized sports at Ottawa, Ontario high schools and a popular one at that.
The other one for me is Donnie Pfaster, every time I see him (Nick Chinlund) in something else, all I can see is him drawing the bath for Scully.
I lived down the street from where they filmed in East Austin (Smash's place was just up the hill) and this make me miss both FNL and Austin (and breakfast tacos) in an unreasonable way.
As long as the next words out Jeffrey Tambor's mouth weren't "I've made a huge mistake", I think we will be fine.
I really don't care if the come "back" because I am still not going to wear them.
My similar lack of words and undying love of Nathan Fillion will keep me watching this GIF for far, far too long.
That cat is a freaking rock star, love it!
The Katy Perry video makes me feel better, the Glee kids really are 20 something hipsters, so I have a real reason to hate them! I blame living in East Austin and studying at an architecture school for cultivating my dislike of hipsters.
I don't know but I was out for a bike ride on Friday and I nearly ran into a black bear in the middle of the road in town. Thankfully the squeeling of my breaks scared it into the bush (it was a yearling or so), and I didn't crash. So yeah, I don't know about moose, but bears sure fit in my bike lane.
Seriously, I have been up that far north once, it was August and the bugs were fine, but I have had friend from my guiding days come back horror stories from the Barren Lands (the tundra area north of Yellowknife). At least in the city they were at the tree line, so the bugs were probably moderate by local standards…
I had a friend who was a hardcore cyclist (he had done the Texas 4000 when at UT) and worked as a bike tech who told me he wouldn't take bike advice from anyone (guy) who didn't shave their legs.