
I wonder if she was in the city to do a Corney Smacks commercial audition? Oh wait never mind, she took a bus to that audition.

Except for the people who voted for Rob Ford, sorry I don't even live in Toronto and I am still bitter about that one.

I truly have no idea about that movie because I intentionally and actively avoided it. I plan to do the same for the Ender's Game movie that is in the works.

The Giver (and Gathering Blue and The Messenger) are some of the most fantastic books out there. I am nervous about the adaptation, but like with the Golden Compass I don't have to watch the movie. Also, if it encourages more people to read the books I am all for it.

To this day when I see the actor who plays Donnie Pfaster on other shows I can see him drawing Scully's bath, and my family wonders why I use the shower.

Victor Tooms is one of the creepiest X-Files monsters (although Donnie Pfaster still beats him hands down), and I am even more creeped out by Doug Hutchison than I was the first time I watched the X-Files as a young teen.

My mom read outloud to my sister and me from when we were very little until well into high school. While at times we did more talking than reading (and I would sometimes read the Men's Health that was on my Dad's bedside table) those times are so memorable to me.

Due to my parents only permit PBS in our household, I did not acquire a fear of clowns from It (despite being the same generation as MoGlo).

Damn, now I have to go watch the first season of Slings and Arrows so I can appreciate the awesomeness of Rachel McAdams in her natural Canadian-ness.

I adore Italian Ice, and living in Ontario it is impossible to find. Darn you Philly and your popsicle stick less frozen sugar awesomeness.

The Inigo Montoya line (#1) lost most of its power for me back in middle school when a boy a the back of the bus repeated it on a loop for the entirety of the 45 minute ride home (he was my next-door neighbor).

It could be worse, your Prime Minster could be a Lego Man.

My sister posted the video and I watched it four times in a row before I had to close facebook so I wouldn't spend the whole day watching kitten videos.

I know, right, you pretty much forget about the cancer and the baby and the super soldiers and get into a decently developed fantasy world with interesting characters you have some affection for. There were a few other series I liked and I must admit it was, as a teen my first foray into reading erotica, like the

I went looking after I posted the comment and found it is still up on the Gossamer project (the ultimate place for X-Files fanfic) and it is called The Magician.

Thanks for this, it reminds me that I need to re-read my fave X-Files fanfic which had Mulder and Scully sucked to a different dimension where he was a mage of immense powers and she was a healer/warrior (a unique combination).

I personally like wearing skirts when I do sports, mostly because it covers my fat, spandex-covered ass really nicely. And the skirt doesn't bunch between my thighs the way shorts do.

Me too, I had 45min to 1hr bus rides through my childhood. I also promised myself I would never live in suburbia either. So far I have lived either in a city or in a town and I plan on keeping it that way.

When I was a teen we were living on a farm and my sister was reading those books and we found a kitten, and we named him Dicey, and then we found another who was Maybeth (she was shy and took us forever to find her) and Sammy who meowed at us for two days till we went into the fields behind the barn to find her. The

While that was not nearly as funny as dick in a box, I am more impressed that I can watch a Hulu video in Canada.