
whenever I think of Tim Curry now, I always get a mish mash mental image of Pennywise in fishnets and heels.

I will not walk by sewer drains to this day, haha. I saw two kids sitting on the curb waiting for the bus with their legs hanging over a drainage opening the other morning. This new generation obviously does not have the proper fear of sewer clowns.

At first when I saw the picture of Poulter above, I thought it was an older version of another character in a Stephen King movie: Vern Tessio from Stand By Me.

knock knock
who's there
smell mop
smell mop who?

I'm sorry man; fuck that shit. The universe obviously owes you some good Karma soon

the belt never lies. i couldn't "see" my weight loss in the mirror, but the worn lines on the belt from where the buckle used to be were like beautiful little progress bars to keep me encouraged. you can do it!

sounds like great news to me! keep it up.

good luck! whats the subject?

Congrats @icecreamplanet:disqus! my good news is a little unusual. I went to lunch today with an uncle, aunt, and cousin whom I had never met, so I now have three new family members! Long story short, i never knew my biological father, and his brother (my uncle) tracked me down through FB six months ago. we have

Red Sox are hanging in there, but probably not for much longer if our SPs don't find some consistency. Im pretty sure half of our runs are unearned. Thank goodness for the Yankees and Orioles terrible D.

I actually do feel like I stumbled on a secret club! happy I did (-;

So was it a joke or not?

I cooked at a restaurant where we did portabello pizzas as a vegatarian option. Get the large port. caps. coat with evoo and season. top with goat cheese, sundried tomatoes, fresh basil (really whatever you want) and bake or grill. viola!

why can't witches have babies?

ah! haha. thanks for the explanation. I thought I had stumbled into an alternate Disqus universe or something. Well then, I will be better prepared to participate next time!

I do not understand this message board. Am I missing something? Discussions about playlists, job hunting, classes starting, taxes…. I was hoping to gripe about a third human centipede

I was trying to remember if they had killed him yet or not. They set it up though with the three leeches. I think it will come this season. I heard rumor that either Victarion or Euron are in this season, but not both. I am guessing they cut out the kings moot, but the show needs to get the Iron Islands back in or

Feast was such a struggle because of all the new characters between the Iron Islands and Dorne.

Whaaaaaatttttt…. rolls down stairs, in singles or pairs, rolls over neighbors dog. its good for a snack. it fits on your back, it's log, log, LOG! (tried from memory, so I'm sure it's not 100%)

Man, I have a lot of these. My issue isnt that I get bored, but that something new comes along that I can't wait to try. Someday, I swear I will go back and finish….
DA: Inquisition