
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge GoT fans, but this news does not make me necessarily happy. I would be so upset if they just start doing there own thing and drag it out for 10 seasons to make money. I cannot stand cash grabbing superfluous sequels/trilogies, etc. and if they ruin GoT like they did with True Blood

i heard they will lift the exclusivity with apple in a few months and expand to other platforms. probably after GoT season 5 ends, so they can milk that.

I wonder this too. I also watch Shameless, and "Ian" in that show is also bipolar and had his breakdown a few episodes ago. That depiction was very different than this. Anyone else watch both shows and want to give their opinions on the two performances and their comparable depictions of bipolar disorder?

perfectly stated. I have not seen more entertaining, better acted, ridiculousness than this, and I love every bit of it

I hope that Rogen gets annoyed with Bieber's twitter begging and agrees, but then really goes after him at the roast. Like not in a funny way. In an awkward, this is getting mean, kind of way that makes the Bieb's squirm. If someone could get him angry enough that he either (A) cries on TV; or (B) walks off set,

I think the showrunners have said it will be a multi-episode story arc

Thanks. Like I said, I have never known anyone suffering from manic episodes, so your explanation helps. This in particular, is exactly how I have been feeling about Monaghan's performance: "Sometimes it can seem like they're actually putting you on because everything they do is so dramatic and overdone." It's good

I like the pre-episode harassment for having "missed" last week, haha (though I never miss). Think I might be the only person, but Cameron Monaghan does not sell his performance for me. It feels too over the top, but then again, I do not know anyone who has suffered from bi-polar, so perhaps it is actually accurate?

I agree on the enjoyability of the "unkown" for the show. I wont be second guessing and griping nearly as much any more without the book to compare. Sansa and Bran are both pretty much caught up, and I expect that Tyrion, Dany, Jon, Stannis, Cersei will all do the same by the end of this season.

It never fails that whatever I do first (read the book or watch the movie/show) is the version I prefer. GoT is about to get interesting this season since I will be going through the transition of "knowledgeable book reader" to yet another in-the-dark viewer since the story lines are pretty much caught up. This is a

I was a Paragon Sheppard (I finally punched the reporter in ME3 as my only Renegade action), but I want to go back and play purely evil. Just concerned that once I turn to the dark side, there will be no return mwahahaha

Just had to say that even though allying with the Geth might free them and give you an army, it resulted inTali's death for me, so not exactly a true "reward" for being paragon in my opinion

haha, with the mohawk too? I can picture her in ME kicking ass. Screen shot please!

I too will be playing DA:I this weekend. I am finding that my decision making is similar to what the author is talking about. Throughout the entire ME series, I went straight paragon knowing that the end game usually has some dialogue option that will give you "the good ending", but only if you have full Paragon

I have noticed that this seems to be a disturbing trend as well in both tv and film. I chalked it up to bad hearing on my part. stupid ears.

Oh, my mistake. I didn't realize that making the dialogue inaudible was an "adventurous and creative" artistic choice. I guess Interstellar is a little too high brow for those of us who appreciate hearing the spoken word.

Loved the movie and this video showing all of the references makes me love it even more. Very interesting!