
so first I read the title to mean HBO's season 6 maybe coming next year, and I got really sad and upset. WTF? Why would it NOT be next year??

does he creep anyone else out? the new Colonel, or Norm McDonald, either way….

Emilia Clarke: Just another desperate fan or mastermind troll? you decide

Crush on Liv Tyler. Yup.

Always loved this movie, so instead of reading your article, I'm just going to hop down to the comments section and tell you that you're wrong. That's how you're supposed to use the comments section, right?

This may be my favorite fantasy RPG to date. The story is incredibly engaging; whether it be a main quest or a secondary quest, you really will want to see each story arc play out. I have never once been let down by secondary quests, whereas with DA:I, I felt like I was forever fetching someone's stupid Drufallo or

you wont regret it

Any Arrested Development is better than no Arrested Development IMO

PS- and as we learned from Qyburn this past Sunday: "belief is so often the death of reason"

never really thought of it like that. I always assumed that even the fundamentalists could recognize objectively bad filmmaking and scriptwriting. You know what they say about assuming though…

Now you're making me actually want to watch it haha

Serious question for people who watch these movies: do you think these movies are actually "good", or is it more like you you want to watch movies that are faith based, and these are your only options?

sadly, you speak the truth. im hoping for something i know wont happen. /-:


can i like this twice?

sure, but what happens after Sansa is rescued? Only 2 episodes left, and i have a feeling Sansa is going to be rescued before the end of this season

very true. Perhaps this information can now come from Sansa.

Im still holding onto hope for Lady Stoneheart. Brienne is running out of things to do, so unless they kill her off, somethings gotta give. Right? RIGHT?

So he admitted his wrongs and his parents got him counseling. great. What about counseling for the victims? What strides were made for the kids that were harmed??

This reminds me of a South Park episode. "The China Probrem" to be exact.