Cop on the Edge-ish

It’s fun that Noah Emmerich got to do both sides of the “my neighbors aren’t who they appear to be” thing.


Katie: Fuck the Baby Boomer generation. They inherited a robust social safety net from their parents, reaped the benefits of it, took those protections away from future generations, and then had the audacity to call those younger generations lazy and entitled.

(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.

Um, Doctor Who’s Karen Gillan, surely.

Your damn pilots are buzzing MY tower and drawing dicks all over the sky?!

I’m sure he’ll receive a stiff punishment.

Now they’ll have to erect new regulations on their pilots.

He had real balls to pull this on their watch.

Now playing

Tell you what, though- the theme for the 2-part mirror universe episode in Enterprise was on point:

In a way I kinda agree... but not on the bad show part. I like Enterprise. But the people on there, while sympathetic, could be huge xenophobic jerks, like how they treated T’Pol at first. So rather than an orchestral theme that shows how noble it is to explore, a rock ballad — like listened to by Zephram Cochrane

Now playing

There is a vastly improved version of the intro, though.

I’m a bit more forgiving of that show than you - I’m far too easy on scifi. But that song was of a piece with all the crap that didn’t work on that show. The aw shucks folksiness of it all was the least appealing bit. The beagle, the cornpone second officer, the water polo, the regular guy captain.

My big problem with the Enterprise theme (aside from the fact that it sounds like it was written to be the inspirational montage music on an episode of Baywatch but Diane Warren forgot to add the power chords) is that in its urge to appeal to a wide audience, it completely deviates from the tradition of mood setting

I’m not sure the original Star Trek theme is any good, it sounds like a Martin Denny outtake (Swingin’ Tiki Hits for Bachelors) mixed with The Love Boat theme.

That’s the one that sprung to my mind too. Again, not a good show, but the theme was very...discordant. I don’t want to say “bad” because it grew on me and I find myself humming it occasionally, but it takes a while to remember that it was from a show about space travel in an optimistic future.

There’ll never be another A.V. Club, will there?

Aw, but don’t you guys love the sheer amount of trolls that there are per article now, and how often those comments are the TOP COMMENT? It’s fucking awesome.

It’s adorable how you think the community is still vibrant.

It’ll be TV for my Ma? She doesn’t even LIKE Star Trek!