
Pavel is both his gaming name and his real name, which is why it has been written twice.

I don’t play Overwatch, but I must say, these shorts are delightful and I want a movie. Or a webseries.

I think I read somewhere that, even with a changed location, The Ancient one is a bit to Dali Lamaesque for comfort. Obviously I don’t know if that is true or not.

Topic de semaine. It’s feminine, while jour is masculine.

Sorry, pets that looked Islamic?

I’ve seen them in Canada, but not for years. I didn’t realize they were still a thing.

I bet it’s the team. I guess Queen Elizabeth II isn’t interested in fashion either, but the palace knows she is a brand, and dresses her accordingly. Clinton likely realized the same thing. Dress for the job you want!

“Mad as a box of frogs” is my new favourite.

I liked that version more than I expected to.

You aren’t alone. I’ve heard the term, but not very often, and not in an obviously racist way. Learning!

It’s a pun that works better said, rather than printed.

I know a Kaleb. He is 6, and apparently is a sweetheart.

I don’t know about the sexting-in Canada, I think he would be charged with luring a child at the least, and I can’t see the states being much different. Trying to get her to masturbate on camera for him is probably exploitation, possibly attempted child pornography.  

Free speech just means the government can’t punish you for what you say. A corporation, or employer, can fire you if you make their business look bad.

A lot of stuff on country radio these days doesn’t sound very country anyway, so this is really just the next step.

But they make such good cheese!

Well, if you’re offering...

Canada would like to request Alaska and Montana.

There is a theory in Early Childhood Development circles that children identify their parents with “mama” or “dada” after they realize that their parents are separate entities from them, at least as of four or five years ago. That may not be your case, obviously, but I did find it interesting. 

That song turns this whole video into a cry for help.