
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog with that kind of thousand-yard stare.

Unfortunately for Peta Todd, his MO is to let others do the work for the first several hours and then blow his wad with only a few seconds of actual work.

This guy is really good at remaining silent when he should say something to the authorities.

It took me a second to get this, but well done. A real Sleeper of a comment.

I don’t understand everyone praising him for his consistency. I mean, isn’t the point of having a Duncan is so that it can be up-and-down?

A rich white guy from Pennsylvania quoting Malcolm X is a little too much for me to take this morning.

She works down at Wintergreen Zebra on the weekends. She told me she’s only dancing to put herself through law school and to help pay for her mom’s colitis treatment. She says that I’m different than all the other clients. As soon as I can scrape together the cash for a Maserati, we’re going to run off and start a

Isn’t this the point of the game? Go to real-life locations, find some pokemon or trainer, fight them, and the winner gets the loser’s pokemon and wallet? I mean, that’s how I’ve been playing. I nailed an 8 year old in the knee with a tire iron for a sweet Jigglypuff and some pogs.

This is gonna be one of those comment sections, so I just want to say I appreciate you sharing with your experience and hope things get better.

I award you all the stars for this.

Our long national nightmare is over.

That also applies to sentences that continue long after their thought has been delivered to the reader and usually contain more than one complete idea which can make them awkward to express verbally because of the lack of punctuation giving the speaker a chance to breathe between expressions which ends up causing

By the transitive property it runs on gravity. Get over yourself.

This song is the reason I made it a personal goal to get an Alpine in-dash CD player for my first car a few years later. Ah, the young brain...

The only thing that’ll stop a bad Grand Cherokee with a Monostable shifter is a good Wrangler with a manual.

And the Jeep transmission problem claims yet another life.

why does school have a capital S? Is it really a strip club where a dancer named Avalon works? Otherwise, it’d be pretty ratchet. Surprised her name isn’t Mercedes.

I was rooting for someone to take a selfie with Joan. I think I might have a problem.

Yes. The one panel presented to western journalists by the president of Whatever Chinese Glass Bridge Co. doesn’t break.