Excellent answer. I had not considered many of those points. Thanks for making me think!
Excellent answer. I had not considered many of those points. Thanks for making me think!
I’m not surprised. Being filthy is his super power
I was going to say the same. He was awesome on the Le Batard Show back in the day, and was excellent talking about these topics.
Any suggestions on companies to use or avoid?
When will Tool release a new album? Its been 10 goddamn years
I tried watching football for the first time in two years, and couldn’t do it. I felt sick each time there was a big hit. It’s one of those “you can’t un-notice it” situations. Many people I talk to quit watching, or greatly reduced the games they watch, but it doesn’t seem to bear out nationally... Why do you think…
Ha, this was started by one of my law school professors.... I suppose admitting this further perpetuates the stereotype that Deadspin commenters are lawyers
Simple answer - money. The CBA incentivizes players to stay with their current team, because said team can offer more money per year and/or more years. All else being equal, there is no reason to leave the money on the table for most players.
ETA: This "home team" advantage is slightly offset for true max players…
Will have to get back to you, we are all slaving away on this upcoming sale
The truth of this hurts
Would love other attorney's thoughts, but could it be that this way done to make discovery of these findings more difficult in pending/future lawsuits? Could just be a tactical decision
Disclaimer - I want the full findings released as much as anyone. But, if I am playing devil’s advocate... Isn’t this all for legal reasons? If I were legal counsel there is no way in hell I would let the full findings be released. They are already in the middle of several lawsuits, and many more to come assuredly.
Realized I never replied to you, thanks! I'm rather fond of it
I was at this game... it was embarrassing.
I was going to ask the same question. I love Tank 7, and am a KC native, but always looking for alternatives
I loved the write up on the NBA collective bargaining agreement, and think the legal aspect of sports is fascinating. Any chance this area will be discussed more in the future across sports coverage?
I saw a similar story on loudwire while searching for news, I think the settlement of the lawsuits finally got them back into it
It's been 9 years since 10,000 Days! How much longer must we wait?