Cooper DiBiase

You just keep coming and coming with that pun, don't you?

… From the slums of the shaolin / Jeff Tweedy strikes again /

Now it's called 'Inside Out', though (or that's what I thought when I saw the commercials for the latter, anyhow).

I've already forgot exactly what the last song was here, but it made me think of Cat Stevens' 'Trouble' — more likely than not I'm wrong, but the ending of 'Mad Men' is bringing 'Harold and Maude' to mind.

Hold on — where the fuck are you sleeping that isn't in a tree?

Because long-haired freaky people need not apply?

Her names Zooey; Miss Deschanel if you're nasty.

Twist: you work in a ward for the long-term comatose.

I don't remember the exact details, but she basically says "That guy you basically said you are, the actual version of him is doing interrogations around the office… [details relevant to spy interests]…" from which I inferred she was saying "I know you aren't doing what you told me you're doing, but we're in love and

I think it was her telling him "I know what you're doing, and you know I accept it because I'll help you out."

If I make it long enough I'll definitely keep a bottle of vodka by my easy chair and tell people "Don't worry, this is just for blocking scents and cleaning counters. And removing makeup. Yeah."

Nothing says tender like "fetal calf".

Don't sweat it, rock star — we know a butcher who does boneless sirloin as well.

Just as all things that leave the ground shall return to it, all references are, ultimately, to Dawes.

It's called "go sit in a bar".

Sex and drugs, w/o rock 'n' roll = "getting by, high, and strange".

Hey, RJ's big where it counts.

Why, eh?

Well, everyone has been through Wes Anderson's work; what this thread presupposes is… what if amb hasn't?

For a second I thought I was going to have to cig-tat a swastika on your ass, Schlomo.