Cooper DiBiase

In 'Barfly 2', Mickey Rourke will cap off "I don't hate them, I just feel better when they're not around…" with "…and that's why THEY ALL MUST DIE!!!"

I'd thought that the cloaked part would be "For me to poop in!" and, I dunno, it wouldn't have been that exciting but I'm still kinda disappointed.

Sharing a bed… just like Ishmael and Queequeg?

But aren't you supposed to be savin' nickels, savin' dimes, workin' till the sun don't shine, lookin' forward to happier times on the Blue Bayou?

It's true that role played by alligator in Wisconsin cuisine is seldom discussed.

You missed the opportunity to end with "Kiss off!" and it leaves me sad inside.

I was thinking more along the lines of "Chris Kraus will make you jump jump…"

Cheech reference on 4.20? It was meant to be.

I knew a greedy asshat whose name was Sample, which always made me chuckle bitterly.

For a second I thought you wrote and build Airplanet and I was like "oh my God what have I been missing out on…"

I'll trade my erotic novel for it, 'Book of Revelation'.

So that means it's a good thing when the ladies laugh at my penis, right? Right?

"Everyone will stop, collaborate and listen!" said SNL execs.

The real problem is when he heads by an AA meeting and changes the water to wine. For Christ's sake, Christ!

Think so? I poked into 'Peaky' when it was pretty new and was not impressed; 'Taboo' strikes me as being along the 'Penny Dreadful' line, but a little bit more focused, and I like it. Might have to give 'Peaky' another try.

Thanks for Cher-ing!

You aren't the boss of me!

Who says that all of this stuff has to be reserved for omelets?

WHAT? If a studio was like "hey, wanna watch 'Apocalypse Now' reshot as if it were a comic book action movie on meth?!?" I'd be like "Hells yes!"

Nobody has talked about the novel yet? What?