I have, and I found it wanting.
I have, and I found it wanting.
Well done, sir. I don't remember exactly when I read it, but it must have been… 1992?
I remember that the novelization of 'Gremlins' had one chapter that ended with "And there was only one rule: he must not feed what's-its-nuts after midnight." And then the totality of the next chapter was "He forgot."
The kind you find in a secund hand store?
There are doves by the tub and everything.
More like Rasputin's!
I dunno, but it seems like if the robot started bleeding — thought to be a person requiring medical assistance, that is — it wouldn't be long before it was noted that this person was a robot.
If they could go with Lovecraft meets Summer Camp I'd be down.
Tarkovky's AD, is that you? Are you in there somewhere?
He's lucky Mr. Rogers didn't fuck him up.
I'm not saying nothin', but if Leatherface could make it in '74…
It's like the show just hit the bowl and said "Dude, know what else should be in a horror show?"
The rain don't mind; nor does it care (and you've got to blame it on something.)
There's one truth that answers many questions: checkers sell better than chess.
I try to dance! And tear my cart-lage!
I'll always! always! always! always! always! always be…
Here's the thing: it's easy to do something stupid now and then.
He was with the Pittsburgh Steelers during pre-season for like one day as a TE.
That's the thing about not-good actors — once in a while there's a role that fits what they can do. Like Tom Arnold, looking to rape what's-his-nuts from T2 in 'Animal Factory'? He was fucking scary.
Were you going to rock "strange" there? That's been my favorite bit of outmoded slang for a while (or is it back in use?!?).
I spoke to REM and they don't care for you either! So there!