
>“a fat Miata.”

He’s probably only got another 82 payments on that truck. No big deal.

When it’s 100° and 97% humidity, all the wind in the world doesn’t cool you off.

As a former owner of a ‘10 two door JK, this is exactly how I’d configure mine:

Oh, I think we all know where this is going, don’t we?

So in that respect, they are in fact one of the best possible cars to buy new, (this side of a limited Porsche or Ferrari), right?

36 months, 7,500 miles per year on the s90 lease

I gotchu fam

Yeah I’m waiting for the whole color TV bubble to burst too.

Uh...I’ve been over this list twice, and nowhere do I see an Aerostich 1-piece Hi-Vis.

The 2018 Ford Mustang brings a ton of Power to the People...the people on the sidewalk. Like right to them, and then over them. Like right on top of them

...does that mean he’s not coming on then?

If the opening sequence of The Simpsons has taught me anything? Yes.

Challenge accepted.

I suspect that it rhymes with “Lentil Billness.”

Not trying to be an a-hole, but a 5k discount (if I read that correctly) on a 2 year old but zero mileage car doesn’t seem like a super deal. I would have thought they’d be a lot cheaper.

My personal cutoff is about 12 hours*. If I can make the drive in a single day, I’m driving. Depending on gas prices and ticket prices, about 6 hours is usually about the break-even on time and money, but by then I’ve spent a day travelling whether by plane or by car, and if I flew, I’d need to rent a car at my

Flying is getting less and less appealing.

If only we could find a car we knew his son would think is cool, that’s also fast and has a reliable toyota engine. How will we ever dream up such a car.