
How can you profess the merits of concentrate and distilled water and NOT have a dedicated container to mix and store it? That is the one you bring with you on trips so you DON’T have to buy premix on the road.

In all seriousness, I agree with HHFP, his channel is pretty awesome; a wealth of information.

That’s a long drive from Australia; serious overlanding AND overwatering going on there.

You’re not wrong. 

TireMan has it right. Though it isn’t so much as the risk of flying our own planes, but the cost and training value. Typically we fight against ourselves. Squadron A will play good guy one day while Squadron B plays bad guy and they take turns. But using a Super Hornet or F-35 to play bad guy half the time is a waste

Yes, the person in back pulls the handle inadvertently or without proper cause. The pilot can then still land.

I’m trying to not get too excited about this. Though even if it comes out as most of us hope, I suspect I may not be willing to pay the price. 

And the 90s Bronco! I’m between the GX and a Bronco for my next 4x4. 

That is also a wee bit more than gravel. 

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to violate the law!

I tried this near exact build. I kept the motorcycle tires standard and I had the sidecar use the same rear wheel as my BMW. The electric trim can be used for raising and lowering, but it isn’t so much for getting more off road clearance as it is to level it with the bike. The height of the sidecar can push the bike

You may get some extra stability, but you don’t really increase the capability of things like the hills. 

They are better than you think. I am on my second suit with my first one lasting me 17 years. I have lived in Florida and south Texas where it is hotter and WAY more humid than SoCal, where I have also lived. You have to keep moving to keep the airflow going and you do not want a black suit (which was my previous one).

Just get an Aerostich Roadcrafter one piece and wear your regular clothes underneath. That is what I do and I’m a dude.

Be the cheap bastard that I am, I want overseas delivery for a sweet used car. 

Perhaps the S60 is so close in driving that would suffice. But I know what you mean. 


I forgot about that! 

The current 3 looks so good. Heck, all of Mazda’s line does. I dig this new one too. 

I’m not bitter.