
I am glad they do it this way. Keeps me from watching the whole show instantly and then having nothing to look forward to for another 364 days.

Not even sure why renewable solar energy available from your own roof panels even has to be sexy at all. It only has to be efficient and affordable. That’s it.

That’s why I have an E60 M5, and a pair of Ducatis as backup.


Next Tavarish project car - “I just bought a stupid cheap cube of Dodge Neon to turn it into a concours winner”

The Panamera is less terrible in person, than in photos. Which isn’t really a compliment.

Depending on your favorite flavor of off-road terrain my preferences (in no specific order)...

WTF are you talking about? 1988 wasn’t 30 ye-

Option 3 is to find the Alpha car in the parking lot first thing, and then crash into it, just beat the hell out of it...then the other cars know to respect you.