
To be military grade it has to be linked to a Congressional district where production is hinged on earmarks pushed through on an rider attached to a bill for something totally unrelated like Great Lakes Water Redistribution.

@darkgroove: Since I scan all receipts to pdf anyway Apples's method would suit me fine. I'll be interested to see how what the receipt system will be for the possible NFC addition to the iPhone 5.

Packing is bad but on an everyday level, there should be a report on store receipts. It seems like every time you buy something you get a string of paper with offers or surveys. I bought one item at Sears and got 48 inches of paper. Add that by X number of customers and you have some real waste.

And the wise men were following a star. Yeah right.

@chauncy that billups: I've tried a number of times to cancel my biweekly and it has never worked. The waste of paper is just amazing to me.

I was hoping this might be a way to change some things without Winterboard. Oh well.

@OCEntertainment: It seems to make sense that the app that handles the payment would have your email address on file. So when a payment goes through, an email (pdf) is immediately sent. I hate paper receipts and end up scanning them into Devonthink anyway, so I'm all for wasting less paper.

I wonder if the sales person will still hand you a paper receipt even if you pay electronically.

When I picture someone holding their iPad in public to take a photo I think of Eddy Murphy's reaction to the people in zippered jackets in Beverly Hills Cop as he walks by them.

They should have shown how both phones can quickly mark multiple emails as read. Oh wait....

I want to see the UL approved sticker.

That's why I write everything in Dom Casual.

I'll really miss those terse one line emails that so many perceive as being religious pronouncements.

And coincidentally in this modern day and age we still have to use a cable to sync our phones.

I'd like to hear the story of a teenager who hits a 68 year old man in the arm for going over the speed limit. I mean that's a rule too isn't it?

Just a matter of time before the group's results will be leaked.