
I have an 8 year old black MacBook that after maxing the RAM and adding an SS drive works just fine. Except that Apple doesn’t want it to. The last OS that “offiiclally” runs on it is Lion. That means when I purchased a 6s that required a certain version of iTunes that wouldn’t run in Lion (why?) I thought I was out

I’m convinced the most action Congress would take in an apocalyptic situation would be to try to pass another tax cut.

-Yes I know I turned off cellular data for this app. Could you please quit telling me every time I launch the f-ing thing?

If Apple created an electric car it might be obsolete in 3 years after a software update was released.

When you use Dropbox you enter your main password once and from then on you a 4 digit passcode. Is using TouchID in this case just for the passcode?

Still don't understand why tapping the status bar that brings you to the top of the camera roll window displays the oldest photos in the roll.

Obviously having opulent taste doesn't mean you can pick a good font.

I spent $14.99 on DevonThink when it first came out believing it would be the perfect thing to sync info with my desktop. What a ripoff and such an incredibly disappointing app from a company that created such a great program like DevonThink.

This would have been a really good 7.5 feature list.

One question I have about updating the 4s is whether users who have updated to iOS8 are turning on Increase Contrast and Reduce Motion. Both of which made a big difference in how my 4s ran on iOS7.

So why title this as "Bring Full Names Back.." when you then say in the article "While you can't get the full name back"?

Is that the episode where a vampire asks Mulder something like "wouldn't you want to live forever" and he replies "not if drawstring pants come back in to fashion"?

Still too white.

Maybe we could go over and show them how to do some fracking close by so they can set it on fire.

All they need to do is watch the latest Bourne movie for an idea.

I'd add the "limp fish" handshake as being one to avoid. It gives the feeling the person is incredibly passive or just not interested in human contact.

Ah yes, not gold but champagne. The perfect color to compliment the garish icon colors in iOS7. The man is a design god.

Apparently the only things missing from the site are the icons for iOS 7.

Damn is that fugly! I'm sure it wil be adjusted before the final release. I hope.

Just out of curiosity what happens with a light photo? Maybe with a gradating sky.