
So in other words apps that waste time are now faster.

It's a retina display. Those aren't spots, they're floaters.

My wife's getting a new mixer this weekend, I'm going to suggest doing a test like this.

You know some aspect of the line is going to be in one of his bits.

@blehbleh13: Yes, let's get this iPhone hooey over with and hear about the new iPod.

@haylcron: Then you could get a pop-up to tell you to stay out of bars?

I need a location service to determine where I am in life.

Hearing bagpipes to me is right up there with the pleasant sound of giving a whistle to a small child. And about as melodic.

This is the same government who had a leading Senator (Ted Stevens) who headed the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation say that the internet was a "series of tubes". And if Lieberman is voting for something that means somehow the insurance industry is involved in the bill.

@Ozzie, The Banana Man Fan: Or at least give me the option of paying a fee ($14.95?) for the app just for the tracking. I don't want the email and storage.

Can't do this with my stick welder that's for sure.

@Les Mikesell: Ask Congress (both parties) about lobbyists, regulation and de-regulation, the FCC, antitrust and just about anything else they've mucked up to enhance our digital experience.

Now Android users can experience "serious" dropped calls.

You mean not everyone wants the glossy black than manufacturers now offer that reflects the room as you watch?

@coketown: At least iTunes gets away from the 90's looking glass scroll bars.

I tried to download it but was told I would have to wait until on or about July 12.

They just decided to show new users upfront what their connection experience is going to be like with AT&T.

When I read the title I thought it meant someone came up with a way to make an iPad into a little table.

@Ravennl: Luckily they didn't show a photo of people waiting in line.

Wonder if this has rotation lock in case you change positions.