
It's free now if you have any balance on a Starbucks card, but this will make it simpler for those only wanting to click once.

Great, because the whole "We've got a vital natural resource that the world wants" has worked out so well for other countries before.

I wonder what that does to wifi reception.

Looks like he was channeling a George Nelson clock and got carried away.

@Dezerus Richardson: I'm thinking of the last guy I saw working at the phone counter there and trying to associate the word genius. Man this is difficult.

@G-Squared: They're offering those colors to tie in with the lame choices they give for Finder labels.

Diving at night is a surreal experience. Especially when the batteries in your light die.

Spend lots of time and energy creating a beautiful piece of product design, then suggest covering part of it so it doesn't have a boo boo?

The most impressive special effect will be to make Tommy Lee Jones look young.

There's a book Diving Into Darkness about this guy that includes this rescue. Definitely worth the read.

There are a few bands I'd like to recommend this to. They could use the help.

"Magic we can believe in"

They missed that you can get a connection in the middle of nowhere with your cell phone then tether it to your laptop (running an unknown OS) to start your hacking.

@jjammerzs: Like at the end of the first Bourne movie when he says "shut it down" and they turn off the monitors? How effective was that?

I saw there was now going to be an option to turn off cell data reception entirely. Did that make it to the final?

Really funny. I can't wait to see how they handle going to the guy's apartment and ask to look around. Ha Ha.

I'm glad someone finally mentioned the graphic afterthought angle. What's with all the space on the home page and the vacant dock? And the Notes app font is part of a "great achievement"?